Another Survey Like The One Before But Better!!

Listening to: N O T H I N G
Feeling: congested
~~~~~~~~~~ABOUT YOU~~~~~~~~~~ [x] Name: Vanessa [x] Birthdate: January 23 [x] Eye Color: BrOwN [x] Hair Color: Brown [x] Righty or Lefty: Righty... [x] Innie or Outtie: I don't get it? In wut? OUt wut? ~~~~~~~~~~WHAT IS~~~~~~~~~~ [x] Your most overused phrase on aim: Haha [x] Your thoughts first waking up: Anythign I need to remember for the day...or somethign memorable that happened the night before, or a dream that's worth remembering... [x] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Eyes, Hair, Figure [x] Your best physical feature: Face, I like my eyes and lips. [x] Your bedtime: 9 or 10 [x] Your most missed memory: All the things I've ever done with Soso and Val and anytime my crush talked to me. ~~~~~~~~~~YOU PREFER~~~~~~~~~~ [x] Pepsi or coke: Neither, really [x] McDonald's or Burger King: MickyD's [x] Single or group dates: Depends [x] Adidas or Nike: Adidas [x] Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate [x] Cappuccino or coffee: Neither ~~~~~~~~~~DO YOU~~~~~~~~~~ [x] Smoke: No [x] Cuss: No [x] Have a crush(es): Of Course [x] Who are they: they? I'm not sayin' [x] Want to go to college: Yea [x] Want to get married: Yes [x] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Yup [x] Get motion sickness: Not really [x] Think you're a health freak: No, not really [x] Get along with your parents: Mom is whom I get along with the best [x] Play an instrument: Piano ~~~~~~~~~~IN THE PAST MONTHS DID/HAVE YOU~~~~~~~~~~ [x] Go to the mall: yup [x] Eaten sushi: no [x] Been on stage: No [x] Been dumped: No [x] Gone skating: No [x] Made homemade cookies: .....No [x] Dyed your hair: Nope [x] Stolen anything: Nah ~~~~~~~~~~HAVE YOU EVER~~~~~~~~~~ [x] Flown on a plane: No, ever since 9/11 I don't think I want to... [x] Missed school because it was raining?: nFreezing rain, school was cancelled. [x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: No, I'm too scared. [x] Cried during a Movie?: of course [x] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: haha no [x] Had an imaginary friend: Yea, when I was little and stupid [x] Had crush on a teacher?: No [x] Shoplifted: No ~~~~~~~~~~THE FUTURE~~~~~~~~~~ [x] Age you hope to be married: Middle Twenties [x] Numbers and Names of Children: Girl names- Madison, Sophia, Mari. Boy Names- Sammy, Charlie, Ben, Mason. Maybe 2 or 3 kids... [x] Descibe your Dream Wedding: Spring or Summer, Soso and Val as my Bridesmaids, Color Scheme- Pink and White. Closest friends adn family are invited. Etc. [x] What do you want to be when you grow up?: I dunno, maybe a vet. I really have no idea. [x] What country would you most like to visit?: New Zealand ~~~~~~~~~~OPPOSITE SEX~~~~~~~~~~ [x] Best eye color: Blue or Brown [x] Best hair color: Brown [x] Short or long hair: Short [x] Best height: a little taller than me [x] Best weight: Fit [x] Best first date location: Anywhere casual or someplace we can have a good time. ~~~~~~~~~~FAVORITES~~~~~~~~~~ [x] Fav Color(s): Pink, Orange, Yellow [x] Day/Night: Both [x] Summer/Winter: Summer! [x] Fave Cartoon Character: SPONGEBOB!! [x] Fave Food: Pasta, steak, meat, rice [x] Fave Movies: Passion of the Christ, Napolean Dynamite, Stephen King's IT and more [x] Fave sport: basketball ~~~~~~~~~~RIGHT NOW~~~~~~~~~~ [x] Wearing: Soso's sweatshirt, some jeans, a shirt. Socks, undies... [x] Drinking: Apple Juice [x] Thinking about: How sick I feel. [x] Listening to: The T.V. ~~~~~~~~~~IN THE LAST 24 HRS~~~~~~~~~~ [x] Cried: Got teary [x] Met someone: Yes, just two minutes ago. [x] Drove a car: Can't Drive [x] Talked on the phone: No, I hate the phone ~~~~~~~~~~DO YOU BELIEVE IN~~~~~~~~~~ [x] Yourself: Sometimes [x] Your friends: Yes [x] Destiny/Fate: Hmmm, IDK [x] Angels: Yes [x] UFO's: No, and that includes Aliens too [x] God: Definetly!! ~~~~~~~~~~FRIENDS AND LIFE~~~~~~~~~~ [x] Do you ever wish you had another name?: I used to, but I like my name. [x] Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: No, sadly [x] Do you like anyone?: I like a lot of people, friends, family. I also have a *CrUsH* [x] Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: Valerie (twin sis) Sophia (cousin) Both my best friends [x] Who have you known the longest of your friends? Both Soso and Val, they're related to me. I've known them forever. [x] Are you close to any family member?: Yes, my best friends are related to me. Didn't I just say that?? [x] Who do you hang around the most?: Val, I live with her. [x] When have you cried the most: Lately, I've cried a lot. My life isn't going so dandy. [x] What's the best feeling in the world?: True Love and when you feel close to God, it's like Heaven on Earth. [x] Worst Feeling?: When someone close to you loses something important or special or when someone belittles you. ~~~~~~~~~~LASTS~~~~~~~~~~ [x] Who was the last person you yelled at?: Mom, I think. [x] Who was the last person you kissed?: Mom, I think. But I can't kiss anyone for a while. I have Strept [x] What was the last memorable book you read?: The Afterlife [x] When did you last dance?: In Gym class I think. Or when I was hyper a few days ago. [x] Whats the last thing you want to hear from your parents?: I'm disowning you. Really who wants to hear that? [x] When did you last do your ironing?: Never [x] When was the last time you smiled all day?: I dunno. ~~~~~~~~~~STUFF~~~~~~~~~~ [x] What color socks do you normally wear?: White [x] Have you ever attended a private school?: Nope [x] Do you like stuffed animals? Yes [x] Do you read labels when shopping for food?: Sometimes, if I'm bored [x] Can you quote Shakespeare?: "Oh Romeo, Romeo. Where for art thou Romeo??" [x] Do you like playing baseball?: I hate baseball. It's boring. [x] Are you a neat freak?: Not Really [x] Do you eat lemons plane? No [x] Are you attached to extreme people?: What do you mean? [x] Do you like swimming in lakes?: If it's my only choice. [x] What is you favorite gemstone?: Amethyst and Saphire and Diamond [x] Have you gone on any blind dates?: No [x] Has someone done something extra nice for you?: Yea [x] Would you rather have a mint or fruit flavored gum?: Fruit, yum [x] Do you ever eat food right out of cans or jars?: No [x] Has your mind ever gone blank?: Yea [x] Have you ever met anyone interesting at the laundry mat?: Don't go to the laundry mat. [x] Are you kind?: I try my hardest. [x] Would you give a needy person the shirt off your back?: Depends on if I have something else to cover me with. I would want to do it more than it's actually likely I'd do it. If that made sense... [x] Do you have any beanie babies?: Of Course [x] Would you rather be hot or cold?: This is one of the hardest questions to answer. I'd rather be hot in the sense of my looks. But when it comes to temperature, It'd be fine being cold if I had a blanket to wrap up in. I'd be fine being hot if I had a way to cool down. [x] Is the glass half full, or half empty?: Half Full [x] Do you exercise regularly?: No, I should though. [x] Could you kill yourself if your life was threatened?: No way. If someone was to kill me anyways I'd try to escape from their threat but if I couldn't then I'd repent for all my sins, make peace with God. Then I'd...die obviously. But I could never commit suicide. Then I wouldn't be able to repent for it...obviously ~Vanessa
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