
Feeling: bubbly
Yesterday I got home from my Father's. Soso slept over for two nights in a row which was fun only we had one small fight that ended quickly...on Saturday we went to the Lord of the Rings exhibition and it was relaly cool. It was at the Boston Science museum. I got a Movie Guide. Tomorrow Mom is gonna bring me to get Blink 182 CD, I'm buying it myself. School starts soon which is exciting/upsetting... I'm on Team 5...so is Kelsey :-( and Mariah is :- and so is Chelsea :-( if Emily B. isn't on my team I will be doomed...she is my School Friend that I hang with the most, I chose Spanish for a foreign language, It's easier to me...I don't really like spanish more than french I just chose it, we get laptops this year and yea, Sophia started school today I'm pretty sure, that sucks... I cannot wait until September 22!!! :-D on September 8 Blink 182 will be hosting Warped Wednesday which I have been waitring for but I will be at school all day so I will miss most of it, it ends at about 3:00 Vanessa~*Fate fell short this time-Your smile fades in the summer*
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*sigh*:-) Sep.22! Here we come dom!!!!!1