
Listening to: Always-Blink 182
Feeling: dazed
Im listeing to Always by Blink 182...I think of Dominic during this song actually. Probably because while I was listening to it for the first time I was fantasizing about Dominic like when am I ever not?? I lvoe the entire CD! I don't want school to start. Never would I. I want to see my friends but now that I think of it theonly way I would be excited about going to school is if there were a few adjusments*. Liek these: 1.Sophia could be in all of my classes. 2.Barely any homework! :-) 3.CD Walkmans were aloud in school at least during Study Hall. 4.Laptops could be brought home. 5.All of the kids who are too fast to grow up would just keep business to themselves and not be obssessed with others lives. 6.A few nicer students and more down to earth people woudl be nice. Seventh Grade is not gonna be fun... Crap my Walkman is dead. Brb...let me go revive it with new batteries...BrB...Im Back! I don't want to write a really long entry but I jsut dont wanna leave my diary. Although it gets kinda boring when all I can do is read diaries and write them. Okay I'll leave now. CAN'T WAIT TILL SCHOOL!!!! (Sarcasm...) ~Vanessa *Look to the past and remember and smile!!* :-D
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When is it that you start school?
I went back Thursday. And I'm not haivng much fun. Even lunch is torture. haha
But I'd have to say seventh grade was the best year for me. I wish I could stay young forever. :(

I wish I could be with elijah...*sigh