Happy Day!

Listening to: Blink 182- Down
Feeling: cheerful
Im talkign to Sophia now....she left me the funniest mesasge on my subprofile...haha...Im happy...I feel special... I got an IM from Kelsey..."Sam hates you" I knew wut she was sayign and I knew the Sam she was talking about but I barely know him...I've hardly said more than two words to the kid....so wut the heck...I'll hate him back...not like it makes a difference... I hoep I get on a Team with my friends for school...one of my friends is on Team 5 and another doesn't know I don't know either...then again there are dumb people on Team 5...so far I don't know of anyone who is on Team 4...I want to be on w/e Team Emily is because she is the friend I hang with the most at school...if she is on my Team she will most liekly be in all my classes...it better then having to make friends with Buttheads...at our school we have a lot of those Wut I did So Far Today: 1. Woke up to the noise of Mom and Pete 2. Hid under my covers and day dreamed about Dominic 3. Got up and brushed my hair 4. Got dressed 5. Argued with Peter about how Brooke was getting on the computer al though she was on yesterday at her friends house then on from 10:30 to 12:00 last night and on this morning before Peter and I didn't get my way: (Brooke got to go on AGIN!) 6. Played LOTR TTT on PS2 7. Ate somethign while watching T.V. 8. Am now on the computer Have a good day!! Love Vanessa
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