god never gonna let you down

Listening to: more noises
Feeling: sad

i wish i could find that picture. i know it's out there.

i hate funerals.

i wish i was a better person.

i hate awareness.

i don't want to sleep.

i want to sleep.

i want to live, but i hate how life these days seems to be all about forcing oneself to live. it should come naturally. we shouldn't have to tell ourselves to get up and get ready and smile and breathe.

i wish he'd call me, but i bore him.

he's probably talking about me, because i'm so hard to please.

i have a voice, and she can't tell me i won't be heard. the only person that doesn't hear me is her.

i hope he goes on wednesday. i hope, if he does, he doesn't bring her. sorry, but she's got no place there.

i wish she'd see that i never hated her or meant any harm.

i wish i could pause life so that i'd have a chance to get the important things finished.

i wish she could be at my graduation.

i hope photography tomorrow will be a peaceful break.

i hate telling people about hardships, because i get pity by default while all i really want is for them to read my mind and know what's up without me having to plead for a nod of understanding.

i wish i could find that picture.

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i found the picture.