I haven't talked All WEEK!! :-O

Feeling: energetic
I haven't talked all week but if you pay attention I promise you it will pass quickly... *********************************************** On Monday it was totally boring and depressing how weekends can pass so quickly...nothgin happened but I was so excited that on Tuesday we were going to BOSTON!!! We were going ot the Science Museum...yey!.... ************************************************ YEY on tuesday we went to Boston but the only part I really liked was the ride up because I got to listen to my favorite bands....Good Charlotte first than Simple Plan and Cody let me borrow (how do you spell that) his Outkast CD!!!! He forgot it and the next day he let me borrow (w/e) his CD all weekend!!! YAY!!! Now Soso needs to sleep over and it will be perfect.....:-) anyway the chaperone for us is the Mom of (have you ever seen one particular girl at school who wears liek the same thing all week and never combs brushes or washes her hair??? yea well her Mom is just like her and she is impatient and rude) I have been to the museum counting four times including Tuesday and it wasn't fun!!! But there is always one Chaperone who can really have fun...Tim's Dad is cool...he lieks to full around and he is so tall he hit his head on the ceiling of the bus 3 times and it made me laugh!! HAHA He hit me and Mariah on the head with soda bottles...his were coca cola and Mariah's was Pepsi I liek Coke Better so I was happy he won the war ********************************************* Wednesday was boring except for the fact that Chelsea got mad at Val AGAIN! I told her that Chelsea was stupid and she shouldn't be friends with her again and look wut happens....Cody said he loved Emiyl and Emily said she lvoed Cody and it is soooo cute and I have no idea why and tonight at the dance they are gonna dance and I just love it...its true love waiting to happen...*sigh* (dreamy look) ********************************************* Oh yeah on Wednesday I called Mr. Bourbin and Egghead haha I love that word!!! And it used to make Emiyl laugh but Chelsea is sitting at the table with me now so she can be with Mia Mariah and Emily and steal all of my friends this is Thursday and Friday....I tried to talk to Emiyl but Chelsea kept pulling her away so I didn't talk to Mariah and Emily all day for the rest of the day exceopt block seven English because or grade depended on it....Mariah used to say hi to me everytime she saw me now she doesn't even look at me because she is too caught up in life....and IU am afraid even thoguh I told Mariah to meet me in front of the school for the dance whihc is my first but the schools last that Chelsea will come along they will yell eachoters names in there high friendly voices (squeak is the word) and hug and forget about me...i will probably hang with Cody and Emily all though I am afraid Chelsea will destroy my life... :-( I love you all.. .:.:VaNeSsA:.:. Did it ever occure to you that I have feelings too or that when u hurt them I can feel it in my heart as much as u can feel ur victory? Yea well I do....
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