Sweet Pea

Feeling: complete
Aol is keepin me busy but I have enough time to say hi and I hate school work and yea.... hold on... Back...so far I know Kelsey seems to ignore Val more or she did this morning and Sam (the little one) told em she said it was better at dances when Valerie wasn't around. I am so angry. I hate Kelsey. Emily is ignoring Mia...she has Val and me and Kelsey on her info but not Mia. How can that be? They've known eachother way longer then I've known either of them? Strange... I LOVE DOMINIC! More than Michael...Yea he is better adn I don't care about saying that because it's different with Dom. Michael is one of my fave actors but there is definately a difference between adn favorite and one of my favorites. Dominic is so much hotter, better, sexier, dreamier, loving...er. Yea... Talk later -Vanessa
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is a sexy beast and I love him!
And you my Sugar Plumb. Wow there is alot of drama with friends. Haha. Wuv woo