Call Me Aunt Nessie :-|

Feeling: alright
...So yea, Randy my step-sister is pregnant. 5 months pregnant and she just found out last week. Surprising, ain't it though? I'm gonna be an aunt, wow. Weird to think of me being and aunt, I'm just 13. I'm still pretty weird myself. Yup. So Randy's thinking if the baby is a girl she will name is Meleena* and if it is a boy she will name it Logan. How SWEET! I wanna see Napolean Dynamite. :-( When people ask what are some of my favorite movies I want ot say Napolean Dynamtie because I knew since the first time I saw the commercials that I'd love it but I'm just breakin' rules. Rules To Movie Responses Number...1 If you haven't seen a movie yet it is illegal (in movie terms) to say it is a favorite of yours or to say "Dude, I Love That Fricken Movie, DUDE!" Yea, so there's that... I Miss Sophia. Waaa... *sniff* Okay Enough of that. No really I do miss her. I'm afraid one day we will grow apart and only be cousins from now on. (not like that's ever gonna happen but hey, I have some problems.) That would be weird though if we just became aquaintances**/ It'd be like: Me: Sophia, I love you shirt. Did you liek get it at Fashion Bug or somewhere. We totally got to go to the mall together, like go on a shopping spree. You know what I mean? Sophia: And you are? Come on, get serious. Listen, if you actually think that I would go out in public with you, you've got it all WRONG! I may be related to you by blood but hey, even God makes mistakes! NOOOOO WAY would that ever happen. I can not imagine Soso like that. She'd probably be more like: "I know, I miss you guys so much. I've always wanted to go on a shopping spree with you two but, the wicked witch from Kansas has her ways." Yea that's more like it I guess... Yea so earlier today like 30-40 minutes ago I faced a dilemma. I should be coming to the end of my sentence but there are no pads here. Once Traci gave me some that she had and she was like "I don't have my period anymore, Honey, but sometimes since I am less immuned to colds and stuff, I cough or sneeze and my bladder just lets go..." I was liek WHOA TRACI! NOT SO MANY DETAILS! Yea that was weird. I heard the state might be letting us take out laptops home from school which is great because then I can do homework on it and go on the internet and do whatever but the thing is I would wear out the battery and wouldn't havce a sharger near by so that might not work. I think SMALLVILLE (my favorite T.V. show) will be starting soon. I guess that's a bye. Leave a SWEEET one, -Vanessa
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Sugfar Plumb, That would never happen. We are ALWAYS going to be close and ALWAYS going to be Best friends forever. You me and Valerie, we stick together like glue, NO MATTER WHAT! Okay, so get those thoughts out of your head. FOREVER, you hear me? Were stuck together. Your not getting rid of me no way no how. Haha, Lover you Darrlin'