Oh Em Gee<3

Feeling: tense
Ok, so Sophia calls us and well first let me say that last Friday, Nick Soso Val and I tried on some Halloween costumes and went dancing in the streets. It was really cold and I admit we were screaming and we knew we would wake up someone. Well, Sophia said Traci called her Mom and said she's been getting phone calls that we woke up three neighbors, two people considered calling the cops, and that at least one neighbor looked out and said it looked like Soso or Nick was humping Valerie or I. What happened was Sophia was cold and so she was moving her whole body like rocking her legs back and forth. All four of us were standing in the middle of the street after dancing and stuff we complained about being cold too. So Sophia came to hug us. Since she was still rocking her legs back in forsth the neighbors though that she was humping us. It stounds funny but it hurts Sophia's feelings because now everyone thinks she's a pervert. If I saw people hugging eachother and it looked like they were humping eachother I would laugh at it, not make a complaint or make rumors or just try to juice up what really happened and make it so much worse than it really is, I wouldn't even think of he other possibilities like "maybe they're trying ot warm eachother." because I wouldn't care. But in today's society elderly folk think teens are up to no good and are all little perverts. It hurts me even to think of them watching us and coming up with nasty conclusions to pin on us, but I can tell how much it must hurt Sophia. I hope they all find out the truth. If they did they'd probably say "Oh, well, it didn't look like that." They wouldn't be able to accept that they're wrong completely, they'd still make a suspicious feeling hang in the air and no one would ever look at us the same again. Stupid Bev and Stupid Warren are just two of the nieghbors who watch us and make rumors about us. Warren even said he saw us in the computer room at Four int he morning one night. 1.) He was way off because we were sleeping. 2.) The window to the computer room is on the opposite side of the building so that he might even come up with that conclusion shows how he must have walked around our house at Four int he morning which is down right creepy. 3.) He needs to mind his own business. He is so obnoxious and since hte first time we were introduced, he gives us looks that obviously say "You're up to no good" Bev is like best friends with Traci and you can tell Traci tells Bev that we're like horrible kids who always argue. So no wonder Bev always puts ina good word for Traci as if she's all that.... she isn't Sophia is just really hurt because she feels like even her Mom doesn't believe her. I heard a conversation they just had. Aunt Mary was telling Sophia that her crying makes her seen more guilty and Sophia said that her anger being expressed in tears and screaming is a lot more than acting; it's completely and totally obvious how innnocent she is. She said her mom couldn't give her a straight answer about if she believed her, but I believe Sophia. I just hate those neighbors. Like Sophia said: "These days, in this world, everyone immediately concludes that people are always up to no good and that they are the only pure, safe, kind person left. If I were to bend over and whisper something in your ear, people would probably say 'Oh My God! She's licking her ear!!' And that's not right. Things shouldn't be this way." I Completely Agree!! God Bless Vanessa♥
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<3 S-----!!!!