Redid Bible Reading

Feeling: blessed
So, I yea from my title you can tell I changed my schedule for my Bible reading, because yea I made a schedule to remind me to read and it wasn't working so I made another one and I am doing pretty good. :-D Peter and I had the longest debate yesterday. Val and I were waiting to get picked up to go to the mall with Kelsey adn Mia but they didn't come (they're coming today) but anyways: It started with me talkign about Good Friday adn I don't know a lot about Good Friday. I just know it's a Christian holiday and Christian schools take the day off like Sophia's school and since Im in public school I dont but Peter was like asking me what I knew about Good Friday and I tol dhim I know practically nothing and thats the truth. And then I skipped on to evolution adn how I dont believe in the whole "There was a Big Bang and it made Earth and then there were dinosaurs and the first cells evolved into fish, and monkeys turned into humans..." and all that crap they teach us in school. I told Peter I believe in what the Bible says. That God created Earth adn everything on it, and however it was done he did it and Peter kept telling me that the Bible was been converted like probably 30 different times to English today so I shouldn't take everything literally, and he kept asking if I believe God just reached down and Boom made Man and I said "I don't know if he just Boom made Man but however it was done, God made us all." And then he told me he's the kind of person who can't believe something unless it is proven and I told him thats because he's human, that's why he thinks like that, and although that may seem wise and strong for someone to do, It takes more strength to remain faithful without knowing all the answers, so that's basically the lesson I learned yesterday. Like, I realized how much I Don't know and that it's okay because wanting to know more is expected because I'm only human and that staying Faithful in my religion will help me in the end. -Vanessa
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