Long Survey THingy

Feeling: achy
 LAYER ONE:  Name: Erika  Birth date: December 14, 1988  Birthplace: Bridgeport, CT  Current Location: North Carolina  -- Eye Color: Bluish grey.  Hair Color: Dyed red  Height: 5'2"  Righty or Lefty: Righty.  Zodiac Sign: Saggitarius  LAYER TWO:  Your heritage: Swedish and some other stuff.  The shoes you wore today: My Volitile Arson joggers  Your weakness: umm…I don’t know. I guess I’m moody and emotional  Your fears: Being stuck in the life I hate forever  Goal you'd like to achieve: Have my own goth fashion company, live like the Addams family, uhh be a writer, artist, learn to play my guitar, meet AFI!!!  LAYER THREE:  Your most overused phrase on AIM: Uhh..I don’t use AIM enough to overuse a phrase  Your thoughts first waking up: I’m tired  Your best physical feature: My eyes I guess  Your bedtime: Around 11:30 or so.  Your most missed memory: Umm…I guess Connecticut..well New England in general..specially Lyman’s Orchard…  LAYER FOUR:  Pepsi or Coke: Neither…but if I had to choose it’d be coke.  McDonald's or Burger King: pssht…more like McToxic!. Burger King because they have a veggie burger.  Single or group dates: Depends on the group…but normally single.  Adidas or Nike: Neither.  Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Neither…Tetley Iced tea with Lime Rickey in it.  Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate!!!!  Cappuccino or coffee: Either as long as its cinnamon flavored.   LAYER FIVE:  Smoke: Nope. Eww.  Cuss: Fuck yeah!  Sing: In the privacy of my own room. Unless I’m singing AFI, in which case I sing out with pride with my horrible voice.  Take a shower everyday: Usually….not always.  Have a crush: erm…does a boyfriend count?  Do you think you've been in love: I am right Yeah.  Like(d) high school: Not really. Its nothing like the movies.  Want to get married:mmhm.  Believe in yourself: If I'm in a good mood.  Get motion sickness: Often  Think you're attractive: Um...not at all.  Think you're a health freak: Not really.  Get along with your parent(s): Mom-Most of the time. Dad-VERY RARELY.  Like thunderstorms: Sometimes.  Play an instrument: erm…I used to play the flute…and the recorder…I have a electric guitar but I don’t know how to play it yet..  LAYER SIX:  In the past month...  Drank alcohol: Nope.  Smoked: Nuhuh. EW.  Done a drug: again..ew.  Had Sex: No.  Made Out: does month count as in a name or thirty days…?  Gone on a date: Nope.  Gone to the mall? Nope.  Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Don’t much like oreos.  Eaten sushi: Nope.  Been on stage: No  Been dumped: No.  Gone skating: No :-  Made homemade cookies: yeah. Baking makes me horny. not really…I just like it.  Gone skinny dipping: Ha! No.  Dyed your hair: Not in the past month..  Stolen anything: not this month.  LAYER SEVEN:  Ever...  Played a game that required removal of clothing: No, but I probably would.. with certain people…  Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Nope.  Been caught "doing something": If this means what I think it means, then no.  Been called a tease: No.  Gotten beaten up: Nope.  Shoplifted: No.  Changed who you were to fit in: I don’t think I’ve ever done that…at least not since elementary school when I didn’t know better.  LAYER EIGHT:  Age you hope to be married: In my twenties.  Numbers and Names of Children: One…or as many as it takes to get a girl…  Describe your Dream Wedding: Uhm...in a castle...exactly the way I want it.  How do you want to die: Uhmm...something not painful...if it has to be painful then it better be worth it.  Where you want to go to college: Hummm...some art college.  What do you want to be when you grow up: Fashion Designer...something with art  What country would you most like to visit: Russia, England, I'm going to Australia..  LAYER NINE:  In a guy/girl..  Best eye color? Grey  Best hair color? Black  Short or long hair: Long hair  Height: Tall, but not too tall.  Best weight: I dunno..as long as they aren’t morbidly obese I don’t really care...  Best articles of clothing: SKIRTS! erm..and top hats. and victorian-esque things. and skirts.  Best first date location: Erm…I unno. A coffee house. not that I’d know. but it seems pretty good to me.  Best first kiss location: Somewhere quiet and private.  LAYER TEN:  # of drugs taken illegally: Zero  # of people I could trust with my life: Outside my family..one.  # of CDs that I own: Uhmm…70 or so.  # of piercings: Ears…had my nose and eyebrow but the eyebrow rejected and the nose got infected(trying again soon!)  # of tattoos: None yet. I have plans for 3 when I turn 18  # of scars on my body: Uhm…a lot of little ones…then the biggish one from my eyebrow thingy.  # of things in my past that I regret: Too many to count...  r e l a t i o n s h i p s  Who are your friends? Josh, Ashley, Brandon, and then my acquaintences(sp?).  do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes.  f a s h i o n | s t u f  What is your favorite place to shop? Uhm…the internet  Any tattoos or piercings? my ears…more to come!  s p e c i f i c s  Do you do drugs? Nope.  What kind of shampoo do you use? A home-made mix of renewal and st.ives for color treated hair  What are you most scared of? Erm…becoming what I hate I guess.  What are you listening to right now? AFI!!!!! THE BEST BAND EVA!!!!! BITCH!!!  Who is the last person that called you? uh…Josh I guess.  Where do you want to get married? In a castle somewhere. In Europe would be nice.  How many buddies are online right now? One  f a v o r i t e s  Color: Black, Red, Purple  Food: Pizza!  Boys names: I’ll come back to this one.  Girls names: Morticia, Lenore, Devi, Wednesday.  Subjects in school: Art  Animals: Cats, Frogs, Turtles, I love all animals  h a v e | y o u | e v e r  Given anyone a bath? My little cousin  Smoked? no  Bungee jumped? Not yet.  Made yourself throw up? No.  Skinny dipped? no  Ever been in love?.yes.  Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? Once...or twice...  Pictured your crush naked? no…of course not…  Actually seen your crush naked? no  Cried when someone died? Don’t think so.  Lied? All the time.  Fallen for your best friend? Hmm. I did once.  Been rejected? Erm..I don’t think so. Not directly.  Rejected someone? Yeah…  Used someone? I probably have.  Done something you regret? Too many things.  c u r r e n t  Clothes: pajamas..black tank top and some blue pants.  Music: AFI, Synethesia  Make-up: None  Smell: uhh…none  Favorite artist: Marilyn Manson or Picasso  Favorite group: AFI!  Desktop picture: AFI  Belive in god: Nope.  Book you're reading: The Witching Hour  CD in player: AFI sing the sorrow  VHS in player: Lord of the Rings The Two Towers.  l a s t | p e r s o n  you touched: My mother…heh.  you IMed: Josh  yelled at: my sister.  a r e | y o u  Understanding: Occasionally.  Open-minded: Ususally.  Arrogant: Not that I know of.  Interesting: Probably not  Random: Monkeys will fly out of your back pocket mooing for Barbara Streisand.  Hungry: Not right now.  Smart: I think so.  Moody: Definetly  Hardworking: Sometimes.  Organized: In some places.  Healthy: I guess...  Shy: Sometimes  Difficult: If you try to make me do something I don't want to.  Attractive: Not really, no.  Bored easily: Yes. .  Messy: Sometimes.  Responsible: About some things.  Obsessed: DAVEY HAVOK!  Angry: Not right now...  Sad: Yes  Happy: Not really.  Hyper: Occasionally.  Trusting: About some things.  Talkative: Sometimes.  Legal: Erm..yeah?
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