Your own personal Jesus

Feeling: fedup
So, launch is being a bitch and not letting me listen to my station, it won't load. Oh well. On the bright side, it did let me watch Personal Jesus earlier. I lurved it. Josh and I got back together on Thursday, I decided to give him another chance. Its only Saturday and I'm already starting to wonder if I made the right decision. We'll see. I've watched Clandestine every day since I got it, and still have no clues about what its all about. I played Bleed Black for my English project and I had put the lyrics on the overhead, and by the second time the chorus came up, people were singing along. They were halfway making fun of it, but I didn't really care. One girl asked to see the cd case, so maybe she'll become a fan, and I'll have done my 5C duty. I've stared my second fanfic, because the computer was messing up a couple days ago, and I was bored. I dunno when it will be done, but once the first chapter is complete I will post it on pure_javey_love and maybe javey_fanfics. the two overlap quite a bit member-wise, so I dunno if I'll take the time to x-post it or not. If I like it enough for others to see. And for those of you javey haters out there, I don't believe in Javey, I just like reading and writing about it. Think about it this way; we all know Santa doesn't exist, but that doesn't stop us from watching those Christmas specials, does it? In other news, less than three months till my 16th birthday. December 14. So you all better start thinking about what you're going to give me for a gift. And don't you dare send a picture frame or something general and thoughtless like that. Unless the frame is handmade or something. Then its okay, I guess. I am hyped up on caffine, in case you didn't notice. I think I'm getting sick, my throat hurts from coughing. So I drank double tea and chai lattes today to make it feel better. I was going to post my poem today, but I decided it needed some work before it was worthy of being read by others. It will still suck, but not so badly. And also, thanks to everyone who complimented my photo. I really hate that picture, and I will do my best to get a better picture up sometime, but I'm not a camera-whore so there are very very few (zero) pictures of me in existence that I am not ashamed of. I'll work on it. Anyway, have a nice day, beotches!
Read 14 comments
i was just wondering did you get youre username from "The Despair Factor" ? when the lyrics go "Waiting by the stairs. Waiting I despair" ??? just wondering
hahaha crazy ninja moves?? lol. i absolutely love that song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh man. some how i ended up her in between. where there is always the comfort of knowing ill never be seen.
oh man WILL YOU BE MY BELOVED?!?!?!?! lol i love that song
Thnx. I know beth is crazy. I don't know how much longer I can put up with her talking shit to me. Read last journal entry. Its worse what she said over the phone!ttyl bye--
Chai lattes.
Oh, and don't feel bad.
Nobody else knows what Clandestine is about either. :P
You have an awesome diary.. ah davey
You have an awesome diary.. ah davey
No problem at all
Yeah, I hate George W. Bush. Hes stupid and gay. Lol, glad to find someone else who shares that opinion. awesome!!
Erika, I never wanted to tell you these words here or ever but they must be said. As of Friday, September 3rd Attila Ramirez was found dead in her room at 2:30 AM. There was a 12 page note left behind and 20 pulls of the razor blade on her left arm. The last line on the last page read "I am a hypocrite. I am everything you ever said I was." Your name came up in the letter. May you deal with this news better than I did.
>b>The war was fought and a victim was found. Attila Ramirez 6/25/86 - 9/3/04

Never let Attila be forgotten...
There are no words and there never will be any. I got a phone call from Bobby two hours later and just now have I gotten on the computer after all this time. I don't want to go to AIM just because of all the IMs we did have. I don't want to answer my cell phone because of the times she called it. I can't do anything without thinking of her and then I start to cry. It's nothing but a void now.