my head's to the wall and i'm lonely

Listening to: The Shins
Feeling: braindead
Where to begin? Let's start with today. Kelly and I were tricked into going to a chorus thingee with Spencer. Dear god it was awful. It was a bunch of elderly women in flashy outfits singing in the "barbershop" style. We all hated it. I cannot express with words how terrible it was. So, after the first "act" we left. We wandered around the music store and hallmark for a while and then came home. At the very least it was good for a laugh. And Kelly gave me a giant chocolate bar for V-day, which was very nice. I felt bad that I didn't get her anything. On that same note, my sister thinks I'm a lesbian, and I believe she is subtly making my mother wonder. For the record, I am not a lesbian. (I do wish I was, but wishing does not make it so.) Especially since I've been hanging out with Kelly and talking to her on the phone. And because I like girly guys and called Gwen Stefani "hot." So Kelly, beware, I think my mom and sister think we're lovuuuuurrrrrs. ;) In other news, I watched some pretty good movies this weekend. I will list them for your benefit. Harold and Maude-my mom loved this movie, and she thought I would too, so she bought it. My god, it was GREAT. If you haven't seen this movie, please buy it now. It's from 1971, and it's about this young guy, Harold, who is obsessed with Death. He fakes his own death regularly, drives a hearse, and goes to random funerals. At one of these funerals, he meets an elderly eccentric woman named Maude, and they fall in love. Yes, weird. But it's a great movie you have to see to understand. It's hilarious. Party Monster- WOW. This was good. I reccomend it. I don't know what else to say about it. I want to read "Disco Bloodbath," the book it was based on now. Saved-This one was pretty good. Don't rush out to get it if you haven't seen it though. If you have nothing better to watch, go ahead. Monty Python's Life of Brian-Good, (well what else could it be it's Monty Python!) but not nearly as funny as The Holy Grail. Okay, that's it in the movie department. Sister Hazel has a new CD out now. I can't wait to get it. And also Sam Goody had The Best of Culture Club on sale for five dollars. I'm going to have to pick that up too. I need a job to get money to buy all these CDs. I only have $100 to my name at the moment. I'm going to get a job at the new Super Walmart in the fall, but I need a job for cash in the meantime. Green Day won a grammy. Neat. I missed my SitDiary anniversary. I am sad. Tomorrow is Valentines Day. The most depressing day of the entire year. I will probably skip school. I haven't decided yet. I need to update my livejournal. This is the end. If you read that whole entry, you must be bored.
Read 11 comments
Awesome, I'm a lesbian and didn't know! When I come over to your house again, I'm going to rape you. ;)
Jesus is glad you like the chocolate.
HAHA You're a lesbo. Not really. You know you're not and Kelly and me know you're not. Just don't worry about it. If your mom asked just tell her the truth.--
I didn't read the whole entry, so no, I'm not that bored.

And I'm kidding, obviously.

It's February 14, so I wish you the bestest for your V.D.

(Venerial Diseases)

--Much love and internet Chocolates.-

Sexy, strong chocolate, if you know what I mean. :-)
Hola chica. Hope thank everything is well with you. Skipping school really missed me up. I fell so far behide in some of my classes. US History, Pysical Science, and Spanish I. But I'll manage to b up 2 date. Ya know.

I love that white & black drawing that you did in art, really cool. =]
Talk to you later and c u in art class.
I <3 My Ruin. You were right.Some of the songs downloaded and I'm listening to My Ruin and Jack Off Jill. I love my chicks who scream. lol. Chick Rock Rules.--
kewl diary!! -alexis renee
Hmm. I like feminine looking men too, and I know I'm not a lesbian. I don't really understand that at all. Maybe we're ALL lesbians deep inside.

I shall have to go see that Harold movie. It sounds rather nice. Have you read The Crow comic book?
:O That's awesome! They should play stuff like that around here. But I never watch TV so they might very well be doing that - but I doubt it.
Was it the Wish I Had An Angel video? That one makes me laugh so hard.

Have a good one :)
Sweet! Most of those bands are either power, heavy, or death metal, or industrial/EBM. Great stuff. :)
ahHH! i love that movie! (holy grail)