Every night I burn....

Listening to: The Cure
Feeling: icky
Hm. I'm alone in the house. I love it. I put my Cure CD in the dvd player and I was dancing. I love The Cure. I wish I could go to Curiosa, but so far it's not coming anywhere near here. I'd like to see Muse too. I finally got my message board up. Its called Tattered Wings, and the link is up there where it says "webpage" or else you can go here: http://tatterwings.conforums.com (I think that should work.) Anyone who joins it and wants to be a mod leave a comment. People who are on my friends list get first priority, but everyone has a chance. Please join it people. I need members desperately. In other news, I made a new AIM screen name, "x idespair x". Feel free to IM me. Me and Nick were talking on it the other night, and our conversation was well....interesting. Karen is gone till Sunday, she went to the beach with her friend. My mom might be bringing home a pizza later, and we'll watch movies. I'm going shopping tomorrow, maybe if I'm lucky my mom will buy me a few extra things that I don't really need for my trip. She still owes me comics...maybe she will let me get some t-shirts from hot topic. (Hey, I can wear those on my trip) There is this really cool Cure t-shirt on the hot topic website, with the Pornography album cover on it. I want it really badly. They have a nice HIM shirt at the mall, maybe she'll let me get that. I finished my first painting in the Miseria Cantare series, I'll start the next one as soon as I get some more canvases. I won't be able to get to a scanner for at least another 10 days, my grandpa has to be in the hospital at least that much longer, and I don't feel comfortable using his scanner if he isn't there. I'm supposed to be joining the DF today. I stayed up till 3 last night getting AFI lj icons/avatars that I will never use from the aficons lj communtity. I don't have a lj, and I will probably only end up using a few of the ones I got on message boards, but I just love looking at them. I think I got about three hundred. I didn't end up going to sleep till after 4, I just wasn't tired and I wanted to read. Then my mother woke me up at 5:30 because there was a mouse in the house. (heh rhyme) The mouse was in my bathroom and Myshka got it and was carrying it around in her mouth and wouldn't drop it. My mom finally got it and put it outside and I went back to sleep. The fucking bank called at 12 and woke me up and I couldn't fall back asleep so I just got up. I am really sick of that bank calling. Next time I think I am going to go off on them. Its harassment. I guess thats all for now, JOIN MY MESSAGE BOARD!!!
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