The devil's in the details...

Feeling: sane
I did not have a good day today. My back was killing me all day. My mom needs a ticket to the Bright Eyes show too so she doesn't end up just waiting around a strange city waiting for the show to be over, and I can't afford that. So I have to wait for the child support check to get here. By that time tickets will be sold out, more than likely. So, that kind of sucks major ass. I wish I knew someone who liked Bright Eyes, or even that kind of music, who had a car and a license who could go with me. But I don't know anyone like that. Dammit! I want to go so bad it isn't even funny. I've waited for Conor to come to NC for three years. THREE YEARS. Someone send me a miracle. In the form of 18 dollars. Or an emo kid with a car. I think I'm going to vomit. The house is a mess again since we made cookies today, and I have to clean up. I'm sitting here pulling out my hair one strand at a time. I've been doing that for days. At this rate I'll be bald by Christmas. I think I'm insane. I think I'll post some Bright Eyes lyrics on my lj, behind a cut. I just feel like doing that. I love I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning that much.
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Sucks about the concert. Hope you get to go.
Btw, bald Erika is not good. ;)
Just look forward to the fun of tomorrow.
~~~Pink and Scary :)