at school...

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: unappreciated
Josh says: I love Erika. I'm at school right graphics class. I'm mad because this diary wasn't working last night and I had a lot to say that I don't remember anymore. This keyboard is very irritating. I went to the doctor yesterday and she gave me a bunch of medicine to take. It turns out I have an infection. I'm very depressed. I'm glad its friday. I can't wait to get home and turn my music way up and dance about. It might make me throw up a little but I think it will make me happy. I think I hurt Josh's feelings because I told him to go away while I wrote this. It just feels weird writing with him standing over me. Hopefully my sister will go to her friends house this weekend so I can have some time to myself. I really could use it. My dog ran away the other day but he came back. so yeah. and uhh...I don't remember what else I had to say. Damn you sit diary for not working when I knew what I was going to say. Well...I think I'll sign off for now so Josh can come back over here. I'll write more later when I get home and I'm in a better mood
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oh duude school sucks...where do you go to school?? im in new york and we have a 4 day weekendd holler:) haha and dude your kick..ass