Tuesday, Wednesday stay in bed...

Listening to: AFI- Third Season
Feeling: moody
So, Wednesday is almost up. Silly sitdiary did not want to work for me today. Ah well, on to the entry.Yesterday was pretty boring, I was awakened by the bank at eight a.m. once again. I threw the phone in a fit of rage. I drew StS icons 2-4. Only two more to go. I am quite proud of the second. the other two...well...they aren't as great. Got some contact paper and put it on my printed off pictures and decorated my notebook. I made a new wallpaper, you can find it on the Expressions of AFI forum on the official boards under "Totalimmortal wallpaper." I also got a livejournal so I could post my icons and things. Even though I am horrible at creating them. Don't worry my loyal readers, I am still going to write in here, I'm not even going to use my lj for purposes other than to post to the aficons community. Today I was woken up by my mother at 11 so we could go see Shrek 2. The movie itself was okay considering it is a computer animated childrens movie, but unfortunately two little children sat behind me and were talking and making noise along with running in and out of the theater the whole time. It was quite annoying. When I remarked about this afterwards, Karen told me that she hopes I never have kids because I'd be a terrible mother. I had a slew of comments to say about that, but I decided to just ignore her because I didn't feel like starting a fight and getting on my mother's bad side. So I just got in the car and listened to STS on my cd player. Nothing else of interest has happened today. The story of my life... And last but not least, a VERY happy 41st birthday to Mr. Johnny Depp! I celebrated by watching From Hell. I would have watched all the JD movies I have but I didn't have the time. v.v
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ok good i'm glad i'm not the only one :)