I die in my daydreams...

Feeling: blank
I don't really feel like anything today. I guess thats a good thing. The air conditioning is fixed, the repair man came yesterday. I got a new notebook and pens at walmart, so I can start recopying my writings. I was made moderator of the post your own picture forum on the Davey Havok board. I wish I had been made moderator of a different forum, one someone posted on more, but its okay. I think I may make my own board, when I do I will post the link here and if anyone on my friends list wants to be a moderator just leave a comment and I'll make you a mod once I get everything set up. I'm very bored and lonely lately, so if anyone has yahoo messenger, IM me at x0_nobody_0x and I'll jump at the chance to talk to someone. Lately I've been feeling like I annoy a lot of people. I don't really care though. I want to go to Warped this summer even though I only like a few of the bands...most of the ones playing this year I haven't heard of. Maybe I'll get to go and I can find some new music to listen to. I worked a lot on my painting, the first in a series of 7. The first is the falling leaves icon from Sing the Sorrow with the words "Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all." I'm making one for every icon and the finished set will have all the lyrics for Miseria Cantare. I like how it has come out so far. The red color was a bitch to make, I know I'll never get the same one for the rest of the paintings, but oh well. If I can get to a scanner I will put up some of my art sometime. It feels strange to be out of school. Its quite nice though.
Read 9 comments
Your next entry will be titled EGG SALAD. I want to be a mod. Make me a mod. Now. Or when you make the board. If you make the board.

I saw a comment you wrote in celticforever's diary about a comment she wrote in mine. It was about Morrissey's show being sold out superspeedily.

Just thought it was interesting. :)
Your paintings sound amazing, my AFI inspired paintings are that of Art, Articula, and the Heart Bat and an All Hallow's E.P./Nightmare Before Christmas theme water color painting. If, you are ever on IM, I welcome you to instant message Attila at any time. Also nice to hear that your air conditioning is fixed. Best be with you, my friend.
Attila the Hun Princess
My parents want me to get help. I'm scared. I want to stop but I just don't know. I feel like I have to be locked away. This shit is hard for me. "I am dangerous kill me now before I kill myself".--
this time imperfect(the song in your header thingy mo bob) is one of my favorite songs by A.F.I.
yes Robert is amazing :)
hey hey.. i like ur journal and i love ur header title...its neat. laters :o)
im obsessed with afi!! i met adam be jealous mwahahaha!! lol
aaaargh dont hate me :( if it makes you feel any better, i didnt even end up getting to see the gig cos my "friends" left me :(