Memories dull my senses...

Feeling: blue That guys, is what I want for my birthday/Christmas. Among many, many other things. But that is one thing I know no one has yet gotten for me. My school's football team lost the big state playoff game. I'm so incredibly happy about that. We had to go outside and wave the busses full of jocks goodbye yesterday. I shouted "you suck!" and "Boo!" instead of "WOO, GO RAIDERS!" but hey, at least I got a balloon out of it. The football team already gets treated like gods at school, we don't need them winning a state championship to make it worse. Yeah yeah, I have no school spirit. I don't care. My mother and I were looking at a bunch of photographs from when she was a kid. It's weird how much alike we looked when we were young. If it weren't for the photo quality you probably couldn't tell the difference between a baby picture of her and a baby picture of me. We had fun. I am bored, so I decided to fill out some surveys, since I haven't done that in a while, and I know you're all dying to know more about me.

"So... tell me more about yourself."

Created by berrybella and taken 712 times on bzoink!

The Basics
Marital StatusSingle
For Friends To Know: Favorites
Color(s)?Black, Red, Purple (ooh, I'm so dark!)
T.V Show/Cartoon/Channel?South Park/Fuse
Sport?I hate sports...
Animal?I love all animals. But especially cats, bats, black birds (crows, ravens, etc.), and killer whales.
Time of day? (Morning, early afternoon, midnight, ect. ect)Evening I guess. You know, when the sky is that purplish color and stars just start to appear
Plant?Uh...roses I guess.
Movie?The Nightmare Before Christmas
Candy?Hershey's chocolate
Type of cake? (I dunno, just thought it'd be nice to ask ^_^)White or lemon
For That Special Someone: Your Perfect Date
Your Astrological Sign (Cch- like that matters! Love is love!)Sagittarius
Gift? (To give/receive)Something handmade-poem, card, drawing, whatever.
Place (A restaurant, the beach, the theatre...)Hm. Somewhere quiet where we could be alone and be ourselves
Food (Fancy with a full-course; casual with burgers...)Something veg.
Background Music (Classical orchestra, live concert, birds chirping...)some CD of a band we both like
The Finale (Dancing beneath the stars, running along the surf...)looking up at the stars
For Stalkers: The Details
What side of the bed do you get out of?right
The hand you hold your fork with?right
The foot you put a shoe on first?left
Your third favorite perfume/cologne?I don't know anything about perfumes.
Your current computer desktop wallpaper?Jade playing with a slinky
The last time you needed a bandaid?today
How much ketchup do you put on your food?a lot
How do you greet your friends?usually something crazy, or a simple "hey"
Most often used word/phrase? (Uhm...I dunno. When typing I seem to over use "..."
Common mannerism? (eye rolling- annoyance; lip biting- nervousness...)sighing
Pet peeve?ignorance
Biggest fear?I won't be able to do what I want to do with my life
Seedless fruit, or with seeds?seedless
How do you eat your Reeses? (Remember, there's no wrong way)I bite the chocolate off and then eat the peanut butter
You only sing when... (there's an audience; in the shower; never sing)I'm joking, or when I'm alone
Number of jackets you ownJackets? Uhm...two
You have a collection of...animal bones and TNBC stuff
The poster on your wall is of...Which one? I have a Johnny Depp poster, AFI posters, a tNBC poster, an Edward Scissorhands poster, an Invader Zim poster, a The Crow poster, and a POTC poster
For Your Psychiatrist: You feel ???? when...
HappyI listen to good music and read good books/poems/stories
Depressed90% of the time
AngryI am around stupid people, when people piss me off, when my sister is around
Annoyedsee above
GiddyI rarely feel giddy. But if I hear something about AFI I can get giddy, I guess
Amusedwhen something funny happens
Panickedwhen I'm nervous/worried
Shywhen I'm around someone I don't know well
ThoughtfulWhen I'm thinking
Bored (Heh, I'm guessing 'Now' since you're taking this survey -grin-)Now, most of the time....
^_^ Congrats- the world now knows a bit more about you...
...your friends should've known all that already...
...go out on that perfect date with your special someone...
...your stalkers want a longer interview with ya...
...your psychiatrist announces you're crazy, for filling this survey out...
...and I absolutely heart you for making this worth making ^_^ Take care!

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Read 3 comments
Hell yes! They lost! Good times... I'm very happy now. :)

Interesting survey. ;)

~~Pink and Scary
Yeah I done stoled it.
It's cause we have that crazy psychic connection that only super cool people have with eachother.
:O It's Dave Mustaine.
The Megadeth guy.