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Listening to: George Michael-Faith
Feeling: happy
Well, friends, I am typing this entry from my brand new computer. YAY!! Now, it is late, so I don't think I'll say much tonight. I've been setting this thing up for a little over an hour. But it was worth it. Even though I still have more to do, in way of downloading fonts/programs/etc. But that's tomorrow's work. I may be going to see Bright Eyes on the 28th. SQUEE!! If Ryan's friend Sam agrees to let me ride with them to Winston-Salem, my mom said she'd buy me the ticket.'s a matter of waiting for Ryan to ask. I'm excited. 15 more days of school, and then a nice, three month long summer. Then, 2 more semesters and I'm out of that shithole. YES. Well, I suppose I should get to bed now. I have to get up early tomorrow to give my cat her medicine. BYE!
Read 2 comments
Things are looking up huh? I kinda don't want to leave. That means I'll have to grow up.... And that sucks. ttyl--
yay new computers rock! i got one a couple months ago