Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon

Feeling: jocund
Hey, first off, don't be hatin' on my Culture Club and Elton John. Yeah, I'm talkin' to you. All these cool celebrities are selling out. Which is not cool. Ellen, I remember when you talked about how there were too many commercials and stuff. Now you're in one. What's going on? And Elton John...I like Answers in the Sky. Why did you sell it to the Ipod people and then star in the commercial? I'll at least give you credit for the commercial being not bad. It's got bright colors, which I normally hate, but for some reason I love that commercial. Anyway. Maybe I'll write about that in my blog. Doubtful, since I'm so goddamn lazy. Oh well. In other (boring) news, my mom bought me a Jack Skellington beanie. I loves it. And I've had two half days of school in a row, which was also nice. What is not nice is that I know a lot of what I'm getting for Christmas because my mom just left everything she got at the mall laying around her room in plain sight. Oh well. My birthday is on Tuesday. I can't wait. If all goes according to planned I will be babbling incoherently about my new tattoo Tuesday night. I'm so excited. !!!!!!~~~~~~~~~********^*******~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!! Sorry about that, when that chorus of Karma Chameleon comes around I have to dance. But I'm back now. I realized yesterday how much I love my friends. I like having just a few friends, because it means I can love the ones I do have that much. Really, friends, I love you. I mean that. Except for you, Josh, because you know I hate you. ^.^ How can you not love Boy George? Someone, please tell me. Or tell me how awesome you think Boy George is. I want his hats.
Read 2 comments
Aw, I love being loved! Thanks fer that! Love you too!

Later~~~Pink and Scary :)
Boy George is awesome! I want his colourful hair! ^-^

~Amanda-chan ('cauze she's go grande)

(or just short.)