Fuck it

Listening to: AFI-Third Season
Feeling: wacky
Everyone seems to have a problem with my attitude. To everyone who has a problem with me: FUCK YOU. I don't care if you think I have an attitude problem. If you don't like the way I talk or act, don't fucking talk to me. You don't have to be near me or talk to me if you have a problem with me. I'm not going to change for you. Get over it. I'm getting really pissed off. I really don't give a shit if you think I'm a bitch. I hear it every day. You saying it one more time will NOT make me want to change. I would say I'm sorry about that, but I'm not. I have too much to deal with already without people telling me my flaws. I know that I'm worthless and that I'm a bitch and that I treat people badly. So stop telling me. I give up. I'm not going to try to please anyone anymore. I'm going to be myself. If you don't like that, FUCK YOU. I'm done. Signed, THE BITCH
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Erika...the reason I said anything at all was because it just seems every single little thing I say, you have to make fun of [even if it's as small as showing you a website]. I didn't mean for you to go all crazy on me, even if it wasn't completely intended for me. I guess I said that before because I can't do anything without you making a sarcastic comment or making fun of me or whatever. I'm sorry I said anything at all if it's that bad.
I don't think you're a bitch and I think all those people should go fuck theirself. Lets turn on our AFI and Marilyn Manson; calling it a day! I really need to talk. Yea I know more about you and less about me.. Ignore them damn fuckers. Be yourself b/c I know I don't even know who I am anymore b/c I tried so hard to please everyone.--