The Mouse and the model

Listening to: The Dresden Dolls/NIN
Feeling: happy
An actual update? Me? Apparently. It's short, but oh well. My aunt is visiting for a few days so I've been spending all day for the past few days with her and her new boyfriend, who is really nice (an a great cook), and they both seem really happy together, which is wonderful. We've been having so much fun just hanging out, I'm going to be really really bummed when they leave for Oregon. I'll never get to see them again. But I will try not to think of that until Sunday night. We're going to the art museum and the zoo sometime this weekend. It'll be fun. Mitch Hedberg died. That fuckin' sucks. He was a funny guy, and only 37. It just goes to show what doing drugs will do to a person. And another reason for me to hate them. Apparently the Pope is dying too. Not that it really matters to me or anything, just thought I'd throw that in there. I really really need to finish Catch 22. I'm not even halfway done yet. I have no idea when the project is due, probably soon. Oh well. Anyway, I can't remember what else I was going to say, so I'll leave you with a poll. What piercing should I get? A) Lip B) Labret C) Nose D) Other (specify) Yeah, give me some ideas. I might not go by what the poll says, since it's my body, but I'm curious as to what people think would look best. Oh yeah. I have two awesome videos. One of Davey Havok rapping, and one of Roman Dirge dancing to "Milkshake" while wearing a Darth Vader mask. I don't think I've laughed this much in quite some time.
Read 8 comments
Get your nose pierced again.
Glad to hear you're having fun, at least your relatives don't suck as bad as mine.
Enjoy your last few days.
~~P+S :)
um i think that you should get your lip done. i think that would be pretty cool.
Could you set up links to those two videos?
Labret, fo sho.'
I disliked 'em at first, but I think they're super teh sex now.

You'd be pretty with it. :-)

Labret!! --Psychocutter
Lol what's the Davey one called? That sounds rather silly :P

Heh I don't like my nose that much. It seems too bulbous, but thanks anyways :)

I got that my ruin shirt at Infinity 1 for $11. Sweet! Its long sleeve too.

I hope you're doing swell!
No, Erika. v.v
I made that entry because Brittany told her today, and then all of a sudden KELLY supposedly started acting pissed off towards everyone and then she was like "Now I have to quit going to the library." I thought it was pretty much done and over, but then that happened.
The point in the entry was trying to say to just stop it, and deal with it, instead of trying to ruin everything by hiding all the time.
I think it's stuped, too.
I'm just so sick of IT, period. I'm sorry that it's happening, because I know you automatically feel like you're between it, but you know you're not, and it's not going to end up with you in it. I really do hate talking about it, and after (if) you reply to this, then we should just stop talking about it. I think it's the biggest BULLSHIT I've gone through in a while, because it's so pointless, it just doesn't do anyone good.