
Listening to: tomorrow- avril
Feeling: confuzzled
ok. dude. this guy is wacked mynameiswowsboss: do u feel loved IflinGpOoAtu5: haha IflinGpOoAtu5: yah IflinGpOoAtu5: who's this.. mynameiswowsboss: tanner mynameiswowsboss: and you IflinGpOoAtu5: jac IflinGpOoAtu5: where are you from mynameiswowsboss: what? IflinGpOoAtu5: how did you get this name.. mynameiswowsboss: it was on my buddy list mynameiswowsboss: so i im you IflinGpOoAtu5: ..why was it on your buddy list mynameiswowsboss: because IflinGpOoAtu5: asl mynameiswowsboss: 11 m az u IflinGpOoAtu5: hahahaha i havnt talked to you before mynameiswowsboss: oh yeah i remember you mynameiswowsboss: yeah we have IflinGpOoAtu5: no we havnt..i would remember talkin to a 11 year old mynameiswowsboss: ive even asked you that before and you gave me the same responce IflinGpOoAtu5: sure im not the only female that's 16 in california mynameiswowsboss: and im not 11 i just say that im 14 and a half mommy mynameiswowsboss: haha mynameiswowsboss: jk IflinGpOoAtu5: what? IflinGpOoAtu5: do you have another name?? mynameiswowsboss: im your long lost son you left me and daddy at dilivery IflinGpOoAtu5: wtf?.. mynameiswowsboss: yeah mynameiswowsboss: wowsbos IflinGpOoAtu5: do you have another one other than that mynameiswowsboss: yeah wowsboss IflinGpOoAtu5: anymore??? mynameiswowsboss: no IflinGpOoAtu5: dude. iv never talked to you mynameiswowsboss: yeah ya have IflinGpOoAtu5: what did we talk about mynameiswowsboss: i asked you if you felt loved mynameiswowsboss: we met in brittney spir chat if i remember right or from one of your friends IflinGpOoAtu5: dude. i dont go into britney chat IflinGpOoAtu5: never have mynameiswowsboss: did your bro ever get on as ya mynameiswowsboss: or are you the one with tha pic of you and a stuffed animal IflinGpOoAtu5: ummmmm mynameiswowsboss: maybe a freind of my friend IflinGpOoAtu5: no mynameiswowsboss: like angle fan /jeri or maggsy07/ magg mynameiswowsboss: or even adelice IflinGpOoAtu5: noooooooooooooo mynameiswowsboss: tiny_aal IflinGpOoAtu5: no mynameiswowsboss: hmmmmmmmmmmm IflinGpOoAtu5: i gotta go mynameiswowsboss: fine leave me like you did dad mynameiswowsboss: and little sister jan IflinGpOoAtu5: um bye?
Read 8 comments
That is really odd.

hey, there's nothin wrong with britney chats! lol, j/k

ahah, lmao
what is goin on w/this kid?
Too much time on his hands?
He can't be your long lost child! I AM! =P JK. Anyway, weird kid... Well, what kids aren't weird in a freakish way? LoL. Oh wells, later.
BTW, that was I, ~Sam.
dude lol, I talk to that guy all the time. He is a lil weirdo. But he's funny, in an odd sort of way... He can't be your child! He's mine!
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