tired as crapola

Feeling: aloof
hmm... i woke up and had left over pizza and burned bif naked and pink. good morning :D i didnt place yesterday. a lot of people were mad about it and thought i should have at least got second if anything.. but owell, i did my best and was happy for jennifer and melissa.. this regionals thing just.. i wasnt into it like the last one.. something was different. maybe because i was fatigued from being sick. im not that mad about it though .. just like whatever. not placing has nothing on me. so after the comp my mom, stephanie, kenny, trinity and i went out for pizza down the street at the pizza barn and then dropped my mom off at home. i got out of my dress and we left to meet kenny at the bowling ally and didnt get home untill 12 am. i won a game!!! and i didn't do it granny style!! i learned how to spin the ball and stuff too anyways...........im tired and have to get my stuff ready to go out of town for a few days.. have a good week everyone :D luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv jaclyn michelle
Read 10 comments
ur middle nbame is michelle? that rocks. i love my name. :) and i love the name jaclyn or jocelyn too. :) bowling is the thing where itseither cool when you're like 5 or when you're 16 and up. in between its like the uncoolest thing to do. lol. so what was this competition for anyway? leat u won at bowling.
hey jac, i just wanted to stop by and say hi, it's been a while. :-/

I've been so busy and so stressed out and just so blah...i hate life sometimes.

but hey, write me back when you get online :) It's been a while since we've talked
hey. what were you placing for?
hey. I got my blog back (:

party on!
so happy to have seen you today!

i finally got time to stop by on people's stuff..so your's in my first stop.

i miss you!!!!!


<3 YOU!
Where are you?


I miss you. -Sobs-

7 days until I move & have no computer... 7 days for you to get online & update me on what's up!

Oh and I'd email you but Hotmail is being ghey and won't let me.

And Yahoo is even gheyer.

The End.

I love you.

Where did miss smurf go?
I hope all is well, jac. It should be, and if it isn't, I kick it.
first person on this site I've seen listening to Bif Naked.....good for you