
Listening to: some basketball game
Feeling: sorry
so..i had the chills...body aches...and fatigue last night. typical flu symptoms. threw up at 4 a.m. never had a fever now i'm fine..except pretty exhausted. i dont understand. so creepy. i'm sure you guys want to know about all this. but owell hahaha. i wrote an entry last night and it saved...then like an hour later it was gone. wtf? that's happened 3 times since the site was updated. i'm gonna try and eat now...nevermind..i cant.. just thinking about it makes me sick. my mom went to get me some gatorade so that will be good........
Read 6 comments
cool you changed stuff. don't get sick...its not healthy!
did you do something to my picture? for some reason neither of them show up...mabe its cause i'm at school
ohh im sry your sick hope you get beta much love
tears...i hope you feel better. my pics are back up. did you fix them??? i don't know if you did but it was weird...
r u better yet?
po tay toe...lol...i'm in class. r u coming to school tomarrow???