
ok, so yeah, i had to just get my sweater because im sitting right under the swam cooler and im freezing my balls off. i mean my boobs. so hey everyone! i know i havnt got around to writing in the past MONTH but we finally got the comp kind-of fixed. who knows, maybe i'll go back to writting in here everyday? but i dont really have that much in my life going on right now that people would be half interested in .. *pause* so i should get the best news out first before anything and that is jim and i are still together. it will be one month tomorrow which is my mommies birthday. the other good news is my sister is pregnant, but the bad is that she's been bleeding so she's bed ridden now and who knows when she'll get better. we're praying alot for them right now. we would appreciate all the prayers we can get. anyways......i'd better get off so i can wait for the call to know how she's doing.. love you all muah jaclyn
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hey kool site :)
i'll pray for your sister. even though im not toatally connected with god. but i know some people. i hope she gets better.