mmmm...i like him i do

Feeling: happy
It feels like forever since I'v written in here and it's only been a few days. suprisingly, nothing has really happened either. lol. I really think this 'thing' with me and Tyler will turn into something more. I soo can't wait for summer. I say that all the time..but it's true.. I can have some independence once I get my car and have some money.. and when Tyler comes out, it'll be sooo great!! *sighs* only more month till school is out..28 days till my birthday!! so the plans to go to mexico with Aaron and LIz got scratched...then My uncle Victor called last night and invited my mom and I to my neice's 5th birthday.. then my mom mentioned my bday coming he invited me to go with him and Grandma Guilla to go to Puerto Rico with them..and if we dont go there, then Florida. ..they can help teach me some spanish while we're there..and i can really bond with my grandma too..she's gettin up there..and i want to have some good memories with her. The song im listening to is my mom and Cheo's (r.i.p.) song. Cheo is victors brother.. anyways.. ____________________________________________ ~::~* Swing, Swing, Swing from the tangles of My heart is crushed by a form of love Can you help me find a way To carry on again? *~::~ *~*are you going to be waiting up when i get home we’ll stay up all night getting drunk and watching sunsets on our porch i’m falling for you i’m falling for you i fell for you*~* ______________________________________________ 1.Full Name: Jacqueline Michelle Miller 2. Nick Names: Joey, Jac,Jackie, sweetie tweety, blue j, baby blue 3. Birthday: 4.17.87 4. Siblings: 5 5. B/F: not right now 6.Been in Love: yes. 7.Screen Name: up yours :P haha 8.Where do you live: somewhere..who wants to know? 9.Where were you born: Bakersfield. yah. ~Section 2~: 1. Beeper Number: naw 2. Favorite Salad dressing: hidden valley ranch 3. Have you ever gone Skinny-Dipping: nope. an show my shit? u wish 4. Favorite Movie(s): there is alot...roxy carmicheal, date with an angel, the manican, gremlins, lost boys, the outsiders, ghost, little giants, now and then, sleepless in seatle, big, legend of the fall, seven, 5. Favorites Book: Anne of Green Gables, and The Giver 6. Favorite Type of Music: all types man..i dont conform man! 7. Favorite Song: …too many to choose from 8. Favorite Car: hummers (the old ones) and big trucks 9. Favorite Saying: "And all that jazz" 10.Favorite Fast Food: sonic 11.Favorite Ice Cream: rocky road, strawberry cheesecake. 12.Favorite Soda: dr. pepper. 13.Favorite Holiday: thanksgivin..all that gurb..mmmm 14.Favorite Food: all food haha..i love bread 15.Favorite TV Show: on air, oprah, tru calling 16.Favorite Radio Station: kelly 95.3 17.Favorite Junk Food: pizza, cool ranch doritos, and flamin hot cheetos or salsa doritos dipped in creme fuckin good man.. 18.Favorite Candy: starburst 19.Favorite Color(s): blue, purple, green 20. Favorite Shoes: um...i dont have a favorite shoe. i guess the shoe im wearing at the time i like 21.Favorite Smell: gasoline, matches, vanilla, bacon 22.Favorite Brand of Gum: ...bubblicious 23.Favorite Animal:= all kinds 24.Favorite Place to Sleep: my bed of course.. 25.Favorite things to do in the Summer: lay out, camp, party, go riverraft, swim ~Section 3~: 1. Caused a Car Accident: no 2. Done Drugs: nopes 3. Ran Away from Home: a few blocks..thats the farthest i got! 4. Hit a Girl: yeah 5. Hit a Guy: maybe in a flirty way.. 6. Stolen Anything: once from a store. i had ten bucks in my pocket also.. the ring was 4 bucks. ok. i was lame. 7. Broken Anything: yes..alot of shit out of anger... 8. Been in Hospital: yeh, in the past year, i'v been in there 5 times. 9.Had a Near death Experience: everyday. 10.Cheated on Anyone: no 11.Been Cheated On: possibly 12.Been Attacked by a Big Dog: not a big dog, a little shit dog. Section 4: 1. Coke or Pepsi: coke 2. Cats or Dogs: both 3. One Pillow or Two: two 4. Deaf or Blind: blind 5. Pools or Hot Tubs: this is lame 6. Television or Radio: t.v 7. Cds or Tapes: CD 8. Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos: cool ranch ...i wonder if i will say that again.. 9. Mud Wrestling or Jello Wrestling: they're both dumb 10.Your Most Prized Posession: everything i have is important to me 11.If there was a fire in your house, what few things would you grab before you got out of there: pictures, computer, clothes, all my trophies. Section 5: 1. Love: should find you. not be sought. 2. The Thing that makes you the Happiest: having fun with friends, having good dreams.. knowing im loved by people i love. 3. The Best Thing that has Ever Happened to You: being saved 4. The Grossest Thing you've ever Eaten: coconuts are gross. they make me think im eating boogers or something. like..a candy bar..u taste the its not sposed to be there.. 5. The Best thing in the World: laughter 6. The Worst feeling in the World: guilt, disapointing someone, wondering if someone likes you. 7. The Scariest Thing that Ever Happened to You: being bit by a blackwidow and having herpes zoster (a.k.a shingles) at the same time 8.The Best Number in the World: this is getting lamer.. 9.A Memory you miss the Most: going on hikes with my sisters 10.The Saddest Memory of Last year: uh..will basically trashing me. Section 7: WHO? 1. Makes You Laugh the Most: donnelle, sarah, myself 2. Do you Hate: bugs. i know..not a 'who' but whatever 3. Who Knows Most about You: my adonai 4. Who Do you Trust the Most: my adonai Section 8: 1. Do you ever Save Chat Conversations: sometimes..and then i read them over, and feel like a complete dork, i delete it. 2. Do you save Emails: i have emails from october 3. Do you Save Poems people sent: no 4. How many People are on your Buddy List: 38 5. When are you Usually Online: all frigin day. 6. Do you like Motorcycles: -dirtbikes- 7. What are your Fav Stores: i dunno...vons, wal mart, afterthoughts, charlotte russe 8. Are you a Player: no i havnt had a dayum bf ..see BF since september... 9. When do you go to Sleep: 1 am to 11 am 10.Do you Sleep with a Nightlight: no..even though im afraid of the dark 11.Whats underneath you Bed: shoe boxes with old notes, shoes, trinity's diaper 13.Do you Sleep with a Stuffed Animal: no 14.Do you eat Chicken with a fork or with your Fingers: fingers baby! 15.When was the Last time you took a Shower: last night 16.If you were to get something Pierced, where would u pierce: belly 17.Any Tattoos: nope. *EXTRA SECTION* 1.Sign: aries 2.Eye Color: blue/green 3.Hair Color: blondish 4.Height: 5'2” 5.Favorite Place In The World: my home _____________________________________________ man that was hella sorry if you read that whole thing...i commend u. p.s. : i think it's pointless for me to try to tone my ass everynight only to drink 5 dr.peppers a day.
Read 9 comments
I lost him. It's over... for good... Someone told him about Kevin before I could...
Lucy: But I dumped you!
Tom: I was going to dump you!
Lucy: But I dumped you!
Tom: I was going to dump you!
etc etc, lol [lucy90]
MEEEP!!!! DUDE IS HOTT!!! lol..anywHoo...i read all that survey last night...yes im a loser but its okay. lol*..thanks for the comment..and the HUUUUUG i need it..*sigh*..anyway...things get worse before they get better i suppose...

I WUB JOO!!!!!!

have a RockIn and kiCkkin day!!

who is that guy?

sean higgins

he almost killed us in the canyon passing some one...i cried the rest of the way threw...and coming home he went threw the canyon in ten night! i was asleep but fricken shocked as hell when i woke up!
i like your little diary thang! its super cute. ok i am so going to steal your little survey..its hard to find good ones now a days! talk to you later :)
haha lifetime is awesome. im glad you like it like i do. im obsessed man.

so tell me about this boyyy you like ;D
thanxs darlng . and nope it was this weekend.. and was alooot of fun.

i hope you hade fun ths weekend

yeah dustin otting...i think...yeah...

sean drives like a maniac...passed 2 cars going like 80 mph...and when we got back in to our lane we were inside a curve...if there had been anyone in that other lane coming around the corner we would be dead right now...i was pretty shakin up...i had visions of morganna on the table at the morge and me looking up and zipped inside a body bag...scared the shizz out of me!
how do you add friends????