smoochie boochies!

mood: smoochyish ..they didnt have it.. but.. i feel like i wanna smooch! i went to school taday..... took the two math tests. i bombed. thankfully this wont affect my grades just my *cough*college acceptance*cough* the state will see how great our school is doing.. and frankly.. i think it's the teacher's we have.. BLAH. "american iidoll in hawaaAii" "pearl get out of my head!!!!!!!!" that was great.. ok.. im gonn clear the marraige thing up.. me and jimmy havnt actually really seriously talked about this yet.. we just brought the subject up briefly and he talked to me about what he wants in someone.. and deep inside i feel like we are meant to be together but i dont want to rush things. so the thought is definately in my mind.. but it's gotta unfold on it's own. *big smiles* im tanning again tomorrow. my butt was so red yesterday! lol. i never had a burnt toosh before so it was... invigorating.. lmao..
Read 13 comments
Burnt bottom... oh dear.....

Everyone seems really stressed about college acceptance at the mo, I have one friend who's getting partucularly worked up, poor thingy.

Don't let it get you too down honey :-)

Lucy x x x x x
take what the wrong way?
american idol in hawaii! la la la la! i love that! fat chicks oh so totally rock!-burnin the toosh eh?....loves -pearl!
haha hey
yes my diary does look quite different!
it shocks me how happy and bright it is lol
yeah i dont wanna redo my entry
takes too long lol
ohhh lol, well it was with a wooden stick, it was soo funny, but no they won't take it the wrong way, no blood or gory things or any of that stuff. It was so funny though. Wish i could show it.
Ahh yes, the burnt ass syndrome.
I feel your pain.
hmmmm.. some might take that the wrong way.
ahhh well.
*feels again*

Peace out, miss smurf.

--nick (with this journal my name gets repetive. Maybe I'll change it to 'crapbag')
I could put up a picture of a naked lady if that would make it feel more unoddly. (Quiet reference to pop-up porn. They're the best)

i REALLY like yer header pic..its TRES cute! lolt ttyl
Those, my dear miss smurf, would be giant blue balls in my background.

I feel their pain.

lol burnt ass must suck. i saw this cute bathing suit in victoria's secret with a heart shaped cut out so when u tan u got a heart on ur butt! awesome. its like a non permanent tattoo. lol
yeah if i can figure it out i'll try to post it, by the way if that picture is of you, you're really pretty.
wanted to say hi... havent seen ya in a while so hi
well i'm glad you feel the same was an assignment i had to do for my strategy class and it's helped a lot...when you write down a goal in detail you are most likely to do it. So far i've gotten about 3...unknowingly...i just did, i actually hadn't read them in awhile...and when i did, i was wow i did some of these, kind of...yeah...good stuff.