
Feeling: randy
Hahah. I was just thinking about Pearl. (freethehippiesagain) *hi pearl* A long time years ago.. my sister stephanie was at her house beacause she's friends with Pearl's older sister denise. pearl decided to chase steph with a pair of sissors. stephanie ended up breaking her arm cause she tripped over a little step in the living room. hahaha. that was so funny. i duno if i ever was at that house or not. i have a memory...but maybe it's just a memory of what i imagined. i do that alot. dont know if something in the past was real or not. like my new pics? lol. i had a hayday with my camera. hayday is a funy word HAYDAY . i wonder what exactly that means anyway. sometimes i wonder if the whole world is fake and im just an experiment. lol. do you ever think of that? or...what people say..isnt exactly what we hear. maybe not even the same language. we just hear what we want to hear. or our life is a neverending dream ..and we never wake up...and never find out who we really are. or ...whatever haha. just a few thoughts. ooooooo coolies i just found money in mah pocket! lol i wonder if sarah got her present yet o_0? i put CANADA in big fat letters. so it shhhouuuld arrive. soon. if not. imma walk it to her mahself. not really. hhaha *hi sarah* and no. im telling u what it is. ..i mean..what they are. hahaha :P i know u are making ur eyes big and getting pissy because u want to know. it took me a while to find waht i really wanted to get. ill tell u this. it's small. lol. iv been happy. like..really happy. the last few days. not that im like...depressed anymore.. just...fells good to not have things bottled up inside anymore. going to go do nothing and sit and ponder while i sip my coffee and go off to bed. coffee helps me sleep. so does tea. night all.
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I always do that... have memories that might be just something i imagined, i mean
Start your walking!!! If it's not here by like Friday or Monday I am going to go insane because you dont stop talking about it AND I WANNA KNOW WHAT IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARG!!! Imma send you sumthin and and and imma keep on tellin u dat i sent u sumthin and im not gonna tell u what is ha! how u like that?!?! haha sorry i am way so hyper... oh and hi back by the way... lol
talk to you when you wake up! love yas n stuffers!