dumb BFF, grouchy mom, very bored. OH WELL!

Feeling: better
Dear Diary, I'm doing okay right now. Well, except for the fact that I kinda just officially broke off my friendship with Cassie. And that my mom has been perpetually cross for the past two weeks. And that I wish I could have fun sometimes. But other than that, I'm doing okay. I didn't go to Seminary (and thus, school) today. Again. I went once last week (maybe twice), and that's all. My mom is really mad at me (no surprise there). But it's just so HARD. I feel so awful when I'm there--my anxiety kicks in--right in the stomach. And I can barely ever pay attention to Bro. White anyway. It's so stressful. I WANT to enjoy seminary and I WANT to go to go hang out with my friends (er, one friend), but I just CAN'T. So Sunday night I saw Cassie at the fireside, and she asked me if I was mad at her. I said, "Cassie, I don't know if you've heard, but I have Depression, and it's a pretty serious illness. Something that helps is the support of my family and friends. But what I don't like is when my Best Friend promises she'll be there for me, and then she isn't." Then I walked away. I haven't heard from her since. Who knows if/when I will. Which reminds me. I should call Teri Ann tomorrow. Ask her if she wants to come hang out with me sometime. Now SHE is a good friend, unlike other people I could mention. *cough* cassie! *cough cough* ELDER KEVIN LACY COMES HOME IN TWO DAYS, FIFTEEN HOURS, AND FIFTY-TWO MINUTES! Crazy! How weird it'll be to see my brother again after two years. I'm excited, yes, but it'll be so WEIRD. Sarah comes home, too. YAY! I'm going to make her take over my babysitting responisibilities. *evil laugh* ...Of course, if she's on vacation from nannying, maybe she won't want to... Oh well. They're her nieces and nephew! I'll guilt trip her into it. *very evil laugh* Okay, well, I should probably do some homework so my mom doesn't yell at me. Again. Bah. Right. Anyway. I've decided I'm definitely going to paint my ceiling green... Someday... And I'm building a four-poster bed! I WANT ONE! Hmm... Maybe Lance will make me one for Christmas?!?!? Love, Lisa Ann
Read 2 comments
ah, hard times
you and cassie broke up? mm, you guys were the dynamic duo. hope things go better.! thansk for the comment! I think you are so awesome
Hmm...yay for brothers coming home from missions. I remember that. *dreamy look* and then he had to go and get married. *sigh* *HUG*