summer begins/three boys

Dear Diary, I have been so neglectful of you! I apologize. But, it's summer now and I have absolutely no reason not to write. SO. My sister is married. Isn't that freaking crazy? She and I have been so close all my life... and now she is all grown up with a husband and two step kids! Oh my. Time goes so quickly. I almost cried during the wedding. She looked so beautiful, so mature. My sister. I love her. I never tell her that, but I really do... It was a nice wedding. She got married in This is the Place chapel. It was really cute. Ha. Probably the most stressful wedding ever. We started like a half hour late. Oh well. The wedding can't start without the bride, so she can't be late. It's impossible. Anyway. Then there was a reception at Gary's parent's house and an open house up here the next day. They were both nice... But full of drama with me. Don't I always have drama? Of course I do. I'm going to make it short though. Basically, David and I hung out a LOT at the reception... flirted a lot... he even gave me a rose. And I kind of began to like him. Which was awkward, because the next day both Brady and David came to the open house. I was holding hands with Brady and such. David wasn't happy and left the house. Yeah. Then I took Brady home... and David and I hung out... David and I... are perfect for each other. Seriously. Perfect. Except that... I like Brady. I really do. I LOVE being with him. I almost broke things off with him, because of David, and I just couldn't do it. Despite my family telling me to dump Brady. I just couldn't. It doesn't make any sense, but I like Brady so much. Anyway. So Brady wasn't very happy with me... but I think we've got things worked out now. Oh. And Brady's at some church camp right now and I miss him... He's going to be gone most of next week, too. I hardly ever get to see him. It's really sad... So today! I got a dozen pink roses on my doorstep! Who from? Brady, my boyfriend? Or David, the guy who really likes me? Guess who... Nope! It wasn't either of them. It was LOREN. Loren Brewer. Oh my. He is such a great guy. And he also probably has the worst timing ever. He and I... for the past year... have just had absolutely terrible timing. Who knows... Maybe someday the timing will be right. But for now, it isn't. I have a boyfriend. I have Brady. And I'm not going to let any other guy try to mess it up! Though they seem to keep trying... Ha. I also got my new phone today! FINALLY. It's nice... but I'm so used to my old phone, it's kind of frustrating to use. Oh well. I'll figure it out. Anyway. This summer (besides boy drama) has been pretty dang boring so far. I need to find a job... but I really don't want to! Oh well. I'll get one soon enough. But I want to have fun, too. I'm so freaking bored... Love, Lisa Ann
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I'm SO calling you tomorrow after band and we are going to play! We've been putting it off and such since January (wow, that's a long time..) so yeah. Is your cell number the same or is it a different one? How come you aren't on messenger anymore??? I miss you. A lot.