i can't think of an entry title...

Dear Diary, Tonight was the opening of Les Mis. Everything went perfect! ...until the second act. And then EVERYTHING fell apart. Seriously! It was terrible. It all started with the barricade scene. After it ends, there are light cords that run to the barricade that I'm supposed to pull off... So the turntable starts rotating... and I'm pulling... and tugging... and straining... AND THE CORDS WON'T MOVE! I keep pulling, and the turntable is moving, and I'm holding on to these cords as tight as I can---and THE CORDS START PULLING ME! I'm sliding across the floor behind the scrim, so I just let go. What else could I do? It was so bad! They must have got caught somewhere... We also had major problems taking the barricade OFF. No one knew what they were supposed to take off, and then the cast took off this huge table and put it where the bridge was supposed to be... so during the scenes we had to reorganize everything with half of the cast standing there... It was not cool. Oh, and apparently the first time we took the bridge on was WAY too slow... it's hard, though, because our Stage Left Manager is busy moving set pieces so can't give us our usual cue... hmm. I'll have to figure out how to fix that. OH! I ALMOST FORGOT! DEVIN RAN OVER HIS FOOT!!! We were moving on the gate piece and his foot got STUCK underneath of it! He had to tug it out, brake the piece, and then limp offstage. But he was totally laughing! We probably laughed for about ten minutes... Hopefully he can walk tomorrow... Anyway! That's a lot of stuff about Les Mis. It was total chaos! But still strangely fun... The people on SL are so much fun. It's me, Devin, Amy the Soph, Nik the SL Manager, and Tyler the Stage Manager. Oh, and occasionally Andy the Grand Drape Man. We have fun... lol. Hmm... I'd write about school today... but it seems so long ago... OH! I signed up for the Scream Team Club! I'm so excited! You go to all the games and sit in a reserved section and get a Scream Team t-shirt and CHEER FOR SV!!! How fun is that??? I love having school spirit, even if it's just for the heck of it. Life confuses me... especially boys... Okay... now I'm just looking at random things on the internet... I just read all about Google on Wikipedia... fasinating, but time for bed! Love, Lisa Ann
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Yay that you are enjoying Les Mis! I vote yes to the hanging out in October...although heaven knows when I'll hve time, what with marching band competitions, and debate tournaments starting at the end of the month...we'll find time. :D