sitDiary is alive!

Dear Diary, ACK! sitDiary was down FOREVER! I thought it had died! I was so scared! Maybe I should back up all my entries so I don't ever lose them... That'd probably be a good idea. I'm doing a little better today. Of course, it's still early. lol. But hopefully today will be okay. OH my gosh. I hate SV. No, just the counselor. APPARENTLY they have a policy that once a student goes to CH, they can NEVER come back to SV again. 'Cause people who go to CH are "trouble students." That is so freaking stupid! NO ONE EVER TOLD US THAT! But no worries. If they don't let me in (me, the perfect goody-two-shoes), the school district will hear from us. They WILL let me in. Freaking stupid. That is so incredibly prejudice. This is why CH is nicer. They care about YOU, not freaking "policies." gosh. I did not need this extra stress. Anyway, here's my entry that I WOULD have posted last night: March 30th, 2006 Dear Diary, It was a dark day. A bad day. I don't like those days. I like feeling happy and light. I don't like not being able to push away the sadness. I don't like wanting to be happy, but not being able to. And no one understands. They might try. But you can't imagine what it's like to have this smothering unhappiness just swoop down on you without warning. There is no ryhme or reason to it. It just does what it wants and there's nothing, or very little, that you can do about it. The only "therapy" I've found that works is shopping. It sounds lame, but when I'm depressed, there's nothing I'd rather do than get in the car and go buy something. Books, clothes, food, whatever. It doesn't really matter. I can escape the feelings for just a moment when I'm out shopping. I need to do something with my life. I know that. I just don't know what. I wish I could just fix everything, just make all my problems go away. But I don't know how. And so I sit here, feeling miserable once again... Love, Lisa Ann P.S. Entry 92!
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That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard about SV. Growl. That makes me angry. You AREN'T a trouble student, which they would know if they bothered to care. Grr to stupid...grr.
I love you. And yes we need to do something soon.