
Dear Diary, Tee hee! My birthday was so much fun. The whole day I was pretty stressed about it, especially getting everything cleaned. And then I had to find an outfit. I didn't have anything cute to wear, so I went to about five different stores. It took three hours to finally find something cute enough, but I was really proud of what I got. It's straight out of the pages of Seventeen! Black capri leggings, denim miniskirt (i now own a miniskirt! weird!), and long blue t-shirt type thing. It's so fashionable lol. Fun! Anyway. So here's who came: Bill, Loren, Tara Beeny, Haleigh, Cassie (she got off work and I was SOOO thrilled!), Jessie, Eric, Mariah, Jeddi, and Teri Ann. That's pretty much the order they arrived in, too. lol. Bill came at 7:00 and Teri Ann (who was at a play earlier) came at 11:00. It was quite the range. I really didn't have much planned, but we had a blast just sitting around and talking and hanging out. Then we had cake and ice cream, and then we opened presents. I love presents! Tee hee.I got lots of gift cards/money. Yes! I got an Itunes, Ross, and Border's gift cards. All my favorite places! Can you say SHOPPIPNG SPREE! Ha. I also got two CD's, a book, flip flops, and a photo album, so I was pretty happy. Oh! And my brother and sister gave me a Flash Drive! I'm always using everyone else's computers so my stuff is all spread out. So I've got 1 gig on a keychain now to take all my stuff with me! ...but first I have to figure out how to use it. lol After presents we played a few games... my sister's are interesting people, by the way, who love to embarress me... Then we wandered downstairs to watch Pirates. That was probably the most fun all evening. We had lots of pillow fights, shadow puppet games, etc. And... lol. Well, let's just say it was very exciting. Yes... Half way through the movie we started trickling upstairs and outside. Jessie and I had serious girl talk. It was fun! Then we finished the movie and some people went home. That was fun because we stayed outside for almost an hour, just hanging out, talking, occasionally running up and down the sidewalks. Eric and I talked for quite awhile... Then Mariah, Haleigh, Cassie and I went upstairs to start our sleepover! Tee hee. We stayed up until 5 a.m., just talking... and talking... and talking... I absolutely loved it. You might've noticed how I love to talk? Yes. It was enjoyable. This morning we woke up and I made a pathetic little breakfast... a pancake and some eggs for everyone. But it was okay, 'cause we had pizza after. lol. Girls are such pigs; I love it. Mariah had to go home after that, but Haleigh and Cassie and hung out until one p.m. Tee hee. I wonder how long a person could live off of Pixi Stix... All in all, it was a really fun party. And even though I stressed about it a lot, I'm glad I had it. I think I'll have another party soon... So.... I'M SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!! It's so werid. I feel so OLD. Seventeen. I'm really not a little girl anymore. I'm practically a grown-up! This is gonna be the best freakin' year of my life. Love, Lisa Ann P.S. Morgan, when do you get back? We will play then, okay? P.P.S. Apparently Jeddi, Bill, and Loren didn't have any fun at my party. That makes me feel really, really bad. I guess it didn't go as well as I thought it did.
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