
Dear Diary, What a day!!! I woke up feeling absolutely completely sick. I watched conference for a little while, but then fell asleep. I woke back up fifteen minutes before I was to leave for the Les Mis matinee, but I was seriously dying. So I called Nik and she said they'd figure something out and I could stay home. Woke up again around 4:30, feeling much better. The show went really well... lots of crying, of course. Um... Cassie and I... basically we talked/were mad at each other, we cried... then later we hugged and I think silently decided just to forget about it. Thats kinda how it goes with us... AND GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!!!! So I've mentioned Andy, right? Stage crew, does the Grand Drape? Yeah. He's kind of been flirting with me all week... and tonight I was talking to Nik, and she told me that she thought I should go on a date with him! Apparently they're roommates (and obviously non-mormon). Anyway, I was like... Okay! After the show Andy comes up to me and tells me NOT to leave until he's talked to me. Finally he pulls me outside and says, "I know this is kinda strange, but I think it'd be dumb if after this we never saw each other again. So... can you give me your number and maybe we could do something sometime?" OH MY GOSH YES!!! I gave him my number, and hopefully he'll call soon and ask me out! HA! I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED! Things like this never happen to me... and it's totally awesome. Andy is a very cute guy, and so much fun. I can't wait to see what happens!!!!!! The only drawback... my mom is going to FLIP. Me going out with a 19-year-old non-mormon? Yeah, she won't like that. She doesn't even trust me to hang out with Eric (like anything would ever happen---more later). A date with a non-mormon guy she doesn't know will freak her out... but... she'll have to get over it because I'M GOING. Unless I really think it's wrong... but as of right now, I'M GOING. AND IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! (Update with Eric. He apparently really likes this girl from school right now. And she really likes him. So... whatever. He did say tonight that I am really cute! But whatever. He can go play with all those girls he likes... and I will play with boys! Tee hee.) I am sad about Les Mis ending. It was lots of fun. I will miss Tyler and Nik... but I'm gonna see Andy again!!!!!!!! And maybe Nik, too, you never know. ha ha. Good times. I AM HAPPY. Love, Lisa Ann
Read 3 comments
what does being a mormon mean? i know the term, i just dont understand. thanks x
YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! Good for you! I just got paid, so I have money so if we wanted to go to Callaways we could (just share a plate of pasta, me and KJ between the two of us couldn't finish one of those...big portions). :D I vote going around dinner time, maybe around five-ish? We'll have to play like...all day and then go eat. Yes?
Cheers, i haven't been brought up religious in any way. Just wondered like. It's not for me - but i don't like being ignorant to other people/races/religions or anything x