The Phone Call

Dear Diary, I’m actually in class right now. Creative Writing. Mr. Reeder is STRANGE! It’s fun. Today is free write Friday, and while I SHOULD be working on my story that’s due next week---I’m not. So! I thought I’d write an entry. Yesterday was CRAZY. I was up until four a.m. working on my speech. I got up at six-thirty, showered… and decided I was much too tired. So I went back to sleep until 8:30. Yeah. Kind of sluffed seminary. Oops. But it was nice. I was so busy the rest of the day that I would’ve died on two hours of sleep. After school I went home, took a twenty minute nap, then came back to SV for a work call (drama tech stuff). I left that early to go to Tara Beeny’s soccer game. THEY FREAKING TOOK REGION! It was exciting. I love Tara; she’s so amazing… sometimes I wonder why she’s friends with me… Anyway. The soccer game got over at around six. I came home, changed, ate a snack, and then left for Young Women’s. We made really cute bags!!! Mine’s a shoulder bag, denim on the outside and a pink starry print inside. I love it… However, I didn’t actually enjoy making it, because I was exhausted and stressed and felt a little left out… Oh well. Life can’t be perfect. Finally, at 10:30 I finished. I was too tired to do homework, so I just made a sandwich, talked to my family for a little, and went to bed. The end! And TODAY I woke up at 5:20 a.m. for early morning drama rehearsals at six. So I’m still exhausted and sleep-deprived! Good thing today is Friday. I may have a little time to catch up. I had a dream about Andy last night. Andy from Les Mis who asked for my number. It was closing night again (except a week later), and I was excited to see him. But people kept talking to me and hugging me so I couldn’t get to him---and I really wanted to. Finally I gave him a big hug and asked him why he hadn’t called me… that was pretty much the end of the dream. But he should call me! I think it’ll be exciting. I feel bad I’ve been so… “boy-hating” lately. I don’t hate boys AT ALL! I don’t even hate Eric, really. I’m annoyed with him, definitely. But I don’t HATE him. In fact… I’ve been so annoyed (and okay, maybe a little jealous) lately that I don’t even know if I like him anymore… I think I like him, but I do NOT like what he’s doing… I’m kind of losing some respect for him. And I can’t like someone that I don’t respect. Does that make sense? Enough about him though. Ehhh. I don’t really have much else to say. I’M BORED. I am playing with buttons on the computer… and I think I’m annoying Kyanne… Ha ha! I’m falling asleep. Did I mention I’m bored? (she says I’m not annoying her but she is a LIAR!!! Lol jk) HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Love, Lisa Ann --Later-- Oh my gosh, major updates! ANDY FINALLY CALLED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which is SO ironic because I've been thinking and talking about him all day---I mean I had a DREAM about him last night. And then he calls me! Unfortunately, I was at this play thing (which I'll tell you about later) when he called me, so my phone was off. But when I got to the car I checked my messages and it was HIM! I started freaking out and Cassie and Devin were like... what's going on? But all I had to say was, "It's ANDY!" and they got it. Basically the message was to invite me to go hiking tomorrow with him and Nik and some other people. The problem is, I have drama rehearsals tomorrow. So I was like, freaking out with excitement and disappointment. Oh! and because my phone was off it didn't record his number---so I had to call Nik to get his number! But I finally called him and told him that I'd love to, but I can't go. So... he asked me if I would like to do something NEXT weekend! And get this: HE WANTS TO MAKE ME DINNER!!! Can you believe that? I think it'll be way fun. He wants to do it on Friday... which is the big football game against Mountain Crest... hm. I'll talk to him about doing it on Saturday... but maybe I'll just skip the game. I mean come on! How can I turn down a DATE with Andy? I still haven't told my mom about him... But I'm going on this date. I don't know. I'm growing up, and I think it's time they start letting me make decisions on my own. I know they're just trying to protect me. But sometimes they're a little TOO protective (like asking me every five minutes where I am and who I'm with). And a year from now I better be long gone from here. NOW is the time for me to start taking care of myself. Anyway So that's the plan! Oh and guess what else! He asked me if I have text messaging, and he said he's going to text me throughout the week, just to see what's up. YES! Wow. I am just super excited. I love being liked! Or at least having someone interested in me... It's a start. I'm really looking forward to getting to know Andy better. Good times! Oh yes, so Cassie and Devin and I went to this play-type-thing. It was actually just a reading of the play, kind of like a pre-screening. The play, once it's all worked out, is eventually going to Broadway. It's called "Queens of Birdland," and it's about the 'fame and miss fortunes' of Madonna, Tina Turner, Mariah Carey, and a few other singers. It was SO GOOD. I highly enjoyed it. Not only was it interesting to learn so much more about these celebrities---from their own words, too---but I loved the underlying theme of the strength of women. I'm big into feminisim in that way. Anyway. I can't wait to talk to Eric now! (As oppossed to yesterday when I had him blocked.) I have to tell him about this! Gah but he's not online... Well. It's late and I'm FREEZING! Strange. Love, Lisa Ann
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