HIP HIP HOORAY FOR ME! Ugh, it only took me forever. But that's okay! I have it! Yes! So in finishing my entry last night. As you can tell I was extremely stressed. Well, I still sorta am, but it's the weekend! Things have to be good on the weekend, right? Right! Oh, did I talk about Garrick again? He was so sweet last night. Was it last night? Yes, at the play. MY it's been a long day. Anyway, after the play I went up to give him a hug, and he wouldn't let me go. He kept saying, "Lisa! Goodness! Let me go!" But every time I tried to move away he wouldn't let me. It was so cute. He did pretty good in the play. Better than some people. I guess I should cut some slack; there were a lot of sophs in it. Still. I couldn't even HEAR some lines. And I was ten feet away. It was sad. But anyway. I still love them all. I can't believe I have my license! Only problem is, we have two cars for our... six driver family. Quite hectic. So I probably won't get many chances to drive. I'm hoping to drive to the play tonight, but Kevin has a date, so I might not. I'm not as sick anymore, but I've got this HACKING cough that sounds HORRIBLE. Ick. I gotta fix that... I'm really mad at one of my teachers, though. I have a freaking B MINUS!!! That is so unfair. I've made up ALL the work I can in his class, and I still have a B-. In my other class I have work I haven't turned in and I still have an A-. What is up with that??? Stupid German Teacher! I'd say something really nasty about him in German, but I only know my numbers. Eins, tswie, drei, vear, funf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zhen! I can count higher, but that is boring, and it is really hard to spell those words. The impressive thing is, though, that I can PRONOUNCE those words! I guess it's kinda fun to learn a new language, but German still isn't my first pick! I had a dream about Garrick... Hmm... What was it? ... Well, anyway, the fact I dreamed about him is significant enough. :) Wellll I have nothing else to say. Auf Wiedersehen! Love, Lisa Ann
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