Entry #15...Depressed

Feeling: broken
It's so unfair how a great weekend can turn upside down in a single instant. I was having an awesome time at the rink, that is until Matt's demon child brother decided to start his teasing exercise once more. I know it's harmless, but the things he said weren't. I don't want anything like that to be said about me. I don't want to do any of that stuff he said. I can't. I'm not ready. Then Belle got all upset because she thought I was pissed at her. I just needed some time to myself so I could breathe and relax before I exploded. That's why I skated alone for My Immortal and Redneck Woman. I love the songs and it let me work things out. The only person that I think truly believed that I wasn't pissed had to be Matt. I know Sky was there by my side too, but he had his hands full with Belle. Matt on the other hand, he just stayed by my side and it was nice to have that. Then everything had to get worse again. His mom came over to us and said that they were leaving. Supposedly Matt had hit Michael, but the brat deserved it big time. Now he's grounded and I have no way to talk to him. Sure I could go over his house today and talk to his parents, but I know how dead set against my mom is. *sigh* This sucks majorly.
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