Shoot Me

Feeling: sick
It's been over a week and I am still suffering from this stupid cold. I went to P.U.S.H. Friday, hoping that I might just need an antibiotic to kick the cold but the doctor said to just wait it out. If it gets worse I'm suppose to go back and get looked at again. I have been sneezing wonderful colors and my cough bounces from dry to full. It's driving me crazy. Nothing is coming up and I can't quit coughing. I can't even laugh without coughing now. I'm going to go insane if I don't get this cold taken care of soon. I can't keep avoiding dance when I love it and I am missing out on lessons. If it doesn't get any better by Wednesday, I'm gonna have to skip work on Thursday and go home. Knabel will probably be able to help me out better than any doctor at P.U.S.H.
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Also, you should join Live Hard if you can do two paragraph posts. There is really no app and I could have someone to RP with!! D:
Damn straight!