No More IB

Listening to: Diseased-Seether
Feeling: exhausted
The season is finally over. I'm so glad too. Way too much drama happened. I'm exhausted and need some serious sleep. Classes resume tomorrow and I have to resort back to my old Nike's. We're getting my new ones replaced because they are falling apart way too early. So, now I have them boxed away and hopefully will exchange it on Friday. It all depends on if Grandma can come down and help me out to the mall. She offered to take me home this weekend, but I'm not going back home until Fall Break. Besides, I have to work this weekend. I've finally gotta work a Sunday morning shift. I'm kinda psyched. I haven't worked a Sunday shift yet here and I'm not sure who I get to work with when it comes to the staff. Last day of work was drama central. I mean, nothing bad happened, but still things happened. I myself wasn't up to speed compared to Saturday so today I was blah central. I still am shaking off the sniffles. I lost the register on the gritty cart, but managed to fix everything back up. I had bees attacking the whole shift and an argument lasting between Robby and me over the world of sports pertaining Bowling and if it is a sport; it most definetly is. The only nice parts were 2:30 hitting and my shift being over, John being nice and cheerful even though he had some stuff going on himself, and visiting with Matt. Right now, it's going on ten and I'm literally falling asleep typing this entry up. I'm really ready to climb into my bed and sleep until I have to get up for breakfast and my morning classes. I just hope this runny nose stops when I wake up. -Kat-
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