Today Is Awesome

Feeling: happy
After that energizing game last night, today has just rocked. I did good on my final exam for my FNR 498 lab so I should pass the course. I hope anyways. Have had the whole day off since lab let out by 10 am. I got Dissidia and can't wait to play it! Of course I will finish Tactics: War of the Lion before I start the game but it was only 19.95 at Bestbuy and it was the only copy they had left. This game has only been out for a month and normally costs nearly 40.00 if there isn't a sale. I'm just ecstatic about having it. If you don't know what Dissidia is, look it up. Going to go hit the DDR pad. I love DDR and forever will. Thinking about popping in Dance Factory so I can work out to Breaking Benjamin or maybe another good band like Linkin Park. Who knows? I may just put in one of the regular games and work on some of those songs. Don't know but it is gonna be fun :)
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