Bad to Good

Listening to: random tv
Feeling: ok

After having a much needed 3 day weekend, I had a fun time getting back into the swing of the usual routine at work this morning. With today's prep not collected as I usually do on Monday afternoons, I was playing catchup all morning. Tore some skin off my hand while whipping some cream cheese (don't ask) for the base of our popper pizza and dropped a knife not even 20 minutes later less than 2 feet away from my foot. Mind you this was a gian pizza blade that could easily cause some serious damage!!! Oh! Let us not forget how I wacked my shin on a dolly that holds our dough ball flats as well -_-

It got better after we ate lunch though. I did have jumbled words once in a while but with the students giving me the usual crap out of fun the day went smoothly. This afternoon and evening with Curly was a good one as well. We went for her evening walk after a failed attemp earlier in the evening due to someone's bad attitude kicking in. Right now she is lying down in the hall and I am getting ready to fold some laundry and clean dishes. Then I might fire up the PS2 until bed time :)

Read 2 comments
How did you rip the skin off your hand while whipping some cream cheese? :|
I do relate. the prep, the students, the ps2. I could have written this myself had you not written it first.