Entry #112..Labor Day Weekend

Feeling: torn
Sitting at my old pc and checking up on everything. This weekend has been hactic. I've worked but yet it feels like I haven't. I'm tired but had fun playing some good old euchre. I miss the game, but when I get around kids who want to play things aren't the same. I don't know, I guess its the game that keeps my family close and it's the one thing I can always depend on. We always laugh and some even cry, but it is our way of bonding. Hard to explain it but I enjoy family games of euchre. I miss hanging out with my friends at college though. Yes I had fun competing with Matt in DDR, and getting a compliment on how my skills are getting rather good, but I miss talking with the friends I have. I wish I had seen my first college football game, not listened to it at work. I wish I could have spent saturday shooting pool or something over at Shreve with Sky and maybe Maryanne and Chris. That's a lot I miss, but then again I'm glad I came home. Haley and me have been next to each other every chance we get. She's staying in my room and it's nice to know someone missed me that much. The other two did but not to the extent of Haley. It felt good to come home and feel loved and welcomed back by one that depends on me.
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glad to know i absolutely bored to to death....whatever..just tell me next time -Matt-
glad to know i absolutely bored to to death....whatever..just tell me next time -Matt-
glad to know i absolutely bored to to death....whatever..just tell me next time -Matt-
I wasn't talking about our DDR night. I was talking about the weekend in general
i know..sorry...i was mad at the moment
At me? Or the situation with Nater?