Entry #16...So Screwed!!!!

Listening to: In Closing-12 Stones
Feeling: hip
I've finally been defeated ppl. True I had another sucky day, but that all went out the normal like always. Matt was over and of course that means I can't go into self-destructive mode. He won't let me. Today I ended up being pinned on my couch and all he did was tickle me. Sometimes it did hurt, but most of the time it was just torture. Sometimes I wonder if he lives just to torture me. Who knows? I certainly don't. By the way, give me back Blaine Larsen Belle!! A litte whisper gave away your evil scheme. I double-checked when I got back from church this evening and Beth almost died laughing at my expression. Anything but Stupidpants! AHHHHH! My mp3 player has ben contaminated!! Must kill the talking sponge! I'm so screwed that it's funny!
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*dies laughing*
