
Feeling: beaming
Today has been EXCELLENT! Not only have I boosted my confidence up to an all-time high, but I've managed to resolve a conflict between myself and the almighty Grant, king of the arguments. Today at lunch we all discusssed stories that were drop-dead hilarious, and afterward mum took me out to do some christmas shopping and I knocked Michael off my list. Speaking of Michael, things between us have been exceptional. Ever since my talk with scott on self-esteem and crap, everything has been 10 times easier, and I've felt better. God I cant think of a time when I've ever been this happy before. And MUM! She was extremely happy, and excited as we walked through the stores. Commenting on how good that would look on me, and attempting to buy me everything. Today was like a day sent from heaven. I dont want this good thing to end, but I suppose it must.....until tomorrow then.
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Excellent days are what make life worth it. Glad to hear you had one.
I'm glad you had a good day. I love the days where everything just goes perfectly.

There should be more of those days.
