Your so Square, Baby I dont care

Listening to: Radio Ga Ga- Queen
Feeling: amused
Dijon Ketchup. I heard if I had a million dollars by BareNaked Ladies today. Haha that songs great. was alright. There was more fog outside, then kids who did not want to go to school and yet no fog delay. I could've done with a fog delay too, getting back in sleeping schedule will be rough. Meh, oh well. Classes went by fast, and report cards are right around the corner..which isnt the greatest news to me. I'm quite certain some tecahers mission is to fail students. We are the CHAAAAAMPIONS my friendsssssss...thought I should update you on my song change. Il post later when I dont feel like ebing an ass. Until tomorrow then, Your nieghborhood Superman
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Fog is the greatest!
No I didn't want to go into the Academy the don't get respected. They are to stuck up. Right now I am in the DEP program. I am going to be an HM prety much a medic.
That would be kewl, my best friend and I both could have went to the academy but we decided to take the long way through.
Ya I can't wait till I ship out. Man will I miss my gf though!
Ya I do, I don't know why I have all these feelings for here already but I do. Its only been 6 days. Kewl you took my quiz. Not a bad score.
be an ass, i'll still lust you. and music is indeed the key to happiness. right now i'm jamming to The Darkness, a nice almost 80's band but in the 2000's.

s.p. !ylf repus no it gnirB
Woo Hoo! Go team Canadian Bands! "If I had a million dollars" roxx. And so does Queen. You've got some good taste in music my friend (Can I call you that? Please don't take offence.) Yea, so the whole fog thing eh, sucks doesn't it? Up here we were hoping for that ice/ snow/ crazy winter storm thing to hit but barely a pint of snow came down so school was on for us :o(

the darkness, well i enjoy them. they have a similar sound as the strokes. and a good jam called "i believe in a thing called love." it's all a matter of taste, right now i'm listening to elvis, viva las vegas super bunny.
in the wise words of marvin gaye:
.no ti teg s'tel