Ba ba ba Barabra Ann

Feeling: distant
Today was a pretty nice day considering I was in a somewhat somber mood. Went out for the neccesties shopping...toothpaste, face wash, ping pong balls etc. Then to the DMV for mum to get her Drivers license renewed, and then to Dairy Queen for a little luncheon. Mmm. Came home and spent some quality time with the ghost in my backhouse. The backhouse is such a cluttered mess, but dad and I wantt o make it a nice game room so much work is needed. So far we've cleared the area around the ping pong table and moved all of mums craft boxes upstairs. Dad left during our second task, so I had some one on one time with Mr./Mrs/it ghost. I cranked up the radio that doesnt work and is only stuck on one country station and didnt let my fears get the best of me. I'm rather proud in saying I did a lot better then expected, although I must admit I found myself running out their twice thanks to my dear imagination, and when the dog snuck up on me. A wet nose on the back of your leg is not something you want to feel when you're already in that nerved situation. But all of that aside, the backhouse is coming along fairly. My aunt wants me to babysit for her tonight, but honestly I'm not all that up to it. I mean sure, theres money out there I could be making, but she always wants to go out, and I dont feel bad turning her down. Hmmmm. Until tomorrow then, Your Nieghborhod Superman
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Yea, i hate bumming people out, but you know she can't always get you to babysit for her.
I heart that song!

Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-Baraba Ann
Hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. *shrug* I'm sure your aunt can handle it.

You know, that's the problem with the world today - ghosts bever want to help do the work but she'll enjoy the space just as much as you. Stupid ghost and the non cooperation.
As for the aunt situation... do you pronouce it "ant" or "ont", just curious. But I wouldn't worry too much - either on the 17th or 24th I'll be babysitting as well; not that thrilled either but money is money.