all is fair in love and war

I've been in and out of an angry rage today. But apart from that slight handicap, I'm good. Things with Trevor are great. This is the first conflict-free relationship that I've been in. We dont fight. Sure, I get angry and pissy, but I'm working on that. I feel like I'm missing out on the whole highschool experience. I'm a nonconformist all the way, but that doesnt mean I shouldnt not do what I want to. Hope that made sense. Mom is suffocating me with rules lately and I dont know what I'm going to do. I know she was a wild child when she was young and I know she messed up. But those are things I know, it doesnt change how I feel. I sound young and stuipd and cliche. Maybe I am. I'm pretty smart though. I miss having friends. Sounds like a self-pity call but its not. I just dont feel like I can trust many people this year, and its not without good cause. I've got a few though, so I'm good. I just dont know what I'm gonna do next year. I started at Polo on Saturday. Its not bad. I work tomorrow and Tuesday 3-10. I have to babysit 8:30-2 tuesday too. Ugh. --Kayla
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I don't care what anyone says, having a peer group one can relate to is an important thing in a young person's life. I know it sounds a little dependant and very juvenile but is it the truth: take my word for it. Try networking with a few groups, just to get your foot through the door; might make next year a little easier?