You were perfect for eachother

Feeling: antisocial
Today has been a long-hard day. I was actually happy this morning on the bus but I dont know where to go from here. So here kids- here's the story. Lets keep it between you and me though, kapeesh? I think I'm going to dump Michael. Actually, this time, I'm almost a 1000% sure. The only time he ever thinks about me is if I'm standing right in front of him speaking directly WITH him, and even then I'm sure he's running over football stats or planning a night with the guys. As vain as it may sound I'm so tired of being second-rate to him. The only thing thats been holding me back is myself. If I dump Michael, what then? I'll still see him and I'll get suckered back in. I told myself I wasnt pretty enough to get another guy, and I'm probably right- but who cares. Maybe a break is what I need. But then, theres this guy Cameron on my bus. I like him and I'm 98% sure he likes me. He appears weird to most people but I think he's super smart. He make lightbulbs for a living, I mean- come on guys. Only downfall? He's a Senior. I dont know if it's all worth the risk. And if I break-up with Michael and end up with Cameron (which I'm sure my mum woudlnt allow), I dont think Kevin would be too happy. He said he'd wait on me, and he's most likely over me, but I dont want to hurt his feelings twice. I need advice, a hug, and some chocolate ice cream:OP Until tomorrow then, Your Neighborhood Superman
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Hey - thx for ur entry. Interesting journal here as well. You're happy that I found love...well...haha - I was talking about my ex :)
Take a chance, just make sure he's a good guy. I'll ttyl! ~hugs~